We enjoy seeing what you do with our products. Here is some recent published work reporting use of Quantum Northwest temperature control.
Monitoring membrane viscosity in differentiating stem cells using BODIPY-based molecular rotors and FLIM
Kashirina, AS, López-Duarte, I, Kubánková, M, Gulin, AA, Dudenkova, VV, Rodimova, SA, Torgomyan, HG, Zagaynova, EV, Meleshina, AV, Kuimova, MK, Sci Rep, Page 14063, Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2020)
“…ckl, Germany). The measurements were performed on 1 μM solutions of BODIPY 1 in quartz cuvettes with a 1 cm path length, measured in a qpod cuvette holder heated using a TC 125 Peltier thermostat (Quantum Northwest, USA). Measurements were performed in a temperature range of 1–100 °C. The temperature was checked before and after each decay acquisition with a thermocouple. The number of phot…”
Probing of carotenoid-tryptophan hydrogen bonding dynamics in the single-tryptophan photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein
Maksimov, EG, Protasova, EA, Tsoraev, GV, Yaroshevich, IA, Maydykovskiy, AI, Shirshin, EA, Gostev, TS, Jelzow, A, Moldenhauer, M, Slonimskiy, YB, Sluchanko, NN, Friedrich, T, Sci Rep, Page 11729, Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2020)
“…The temperature of the sample was stabilized by a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) with a magnetic stirrer. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the protein was excited by a pulsed sub-nanosecond UV-LED (EPLED 265, Edinburgh Instruments, Scotland) with maximum emission at 270 nm corrected by a metal bandpass filter (270 nm, 15 nm width, Chroma, USA),…”
Induction of Ordered Lipid Raft Domain Formation by Loss of Lipid Asymmetry
St Clair, JW, Kakuda, S, London, E, Biophys. J., Page 483-492, Vol. 119, Issue 3 (2020)
“…Samples were cooled to 15°C and DPH fluorescence intensity was continuously measured as samples were heated at a rate of 0.8 degrees per minute, up to 64°C, unless otherwise noted. Sample temperature was controlled with a Quantum Northwest TC 1 Temperature Controller (Liberty Lake, Washington)…”
Temperature dependence of single-walled carbon nanotube migration in epoxy resin under DC electric field
Zhang, D, Saukas, C, He, Y, Wang, R, Taub, A, J Mater Sci, Page 16220-16233, Vol. 55, Issue 34 (2020)
“…The temperature of the solution was controlled by a Q-Pod2e (Quantum Northwest, Inc), which is a compact sample compartment containing a cuvette holder with an internal temperature controller utilizing a heating element and a circulating ice water cooling system…”
Discovery and Engineering of an Aldehyde Tolerant 2-deoxy-D-ribose 5-phosphate Aldolase (DERA) from Pectobacterium atrosepticum
Haridas, M, Bisterfeld, C, Chen, L, Marsden, S, Tonin, F, Médici, R, Iribarren, A, Lewkowicz, E, Hagedoorn, P, Hanefeld, U, Abdelraheem, E, Catalysts, Page 883, Vol. 10, Issue 8 (2020)
“…The temperature and stirring speed were controlled using the TC1 Temperature Controller (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, Washington, USA) (Company, City, State Abbr. (if has), Country) and absorbance measurements were detected at 340 nm using the Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies, California, USA) (Company, City, State Abbr. (if has), Country)…”
Phase-selective staining of model and cell membranes, lipid droplets and lipoproteins with fluorescent solvatochromic pyrene probes
Sot, J, Esnal, I, Monasterio, BG, León-Irra, R, Niko, Y, Goñi, FM, Klymchenko, A, Alonso, A, Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr, Page 183470, Vol. 1863, Issue 1 (2020)
“…Emission spectra were collected between 450 and 700 nm, exciting at 430 nm for PA and 410 nm for PK, using a 430 nm bandpass filter to minimize detection of dispersed light. A thermal TC125 controller (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, USA) was used to stabilize the sample temperature at 20 °C…”
Miltefosine inhibits the membrane remodeling caused by phospholipase action by changing membrane physical properties
Zulueta Díaz, YLM, Ambroggio, EE, Fanani, ML, Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr, Page 183407, Vol. 1862, Issue 10 (2020)
“…For temperature and stirring control, a Quantum Northwest (Liberty Lake, WA) TC 125 temperature controller system was used…”
Fluorescence quantum yield determination using simultaneous double-beam absorption measurement
Nawara, K, Waluk, J, Measurement, Page 108159, Vol. 165 (2020)
“…The temperature of the samples was set to 23.00 ± 0.15 °C and controlled by the Peltier module-controlled cuvette holder (qpod model, Quantum Northwest), which was mounted directly into the FS5 spectrofluorometer instead of a standard cuvette holder, as previously…”
Facile Synthesis of High Molecular Weight Polypeptides via Fast and Moisture Insensitive Polymerization of α-Amino Acid N-Carboxyanhydrides
Wu, Y, Zhang, W, Zhou, R, Chen, Q, Xie, C, Xiang, H, Sun, B, Zhu, M, Liu, R, Chin J Polym Sci, Page 1131-1140, Vol. 38, Issue 10 (2020)
“…spectrophotometer using a KBr disk. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was conducted on a J-1500 CD spectrometer using a temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest, model TC 125). The optical path length…”
Human γS-Crystallin-Copper Binding Helps Buffer against Aggregation Caused by Oxidative Damage
Roskamp, KW, Azim, S, Kassier, G, Norton-Baker, B, Sprague-Piercy, MA, Miller, RJD, Martin, RW, Biochemistry, Page 2371-2385, Vol. 59, Issue 25 (2020)
“…The solutions were continuously stirred and kept between 22 and 24 °C using a Quantum Northwest Luma 40/Eclipse instrument with a Peltier element and recirculator (Quantum Northwest Inc., Liberty Lake, WA)…”
Fluorescence anisotropy detection of barrier crossing and ultrafast conformational dynamics
in the S2 state of β-carotene
Gurchiek, JK, Rose, JB, Guberman-Pfeffer, MJ, Tilluck, RW, Ghosh, S, Gascón, JA, Beck, WF, J Phys Chem B (2020)
“…centrifuged at 17000 × g in a desktop microcentrifuge for 10 min to remove light-scattering particles. Samples were held in 1 cm fused-silica cuvettes either in a Quantum Northwest Peltier-effect temperature controller or in a Janis liquid nitrogen cryostat (for T…”
Coumarin Partitioning in Model Biological Membranes: Limitations of log P as a Predictor
Duncan, KM, Casey, A, Gobrogge, CA, Trousdale, RC, Piontek, SM, Cook, MJ, Steel, WH, Walker, RA, J Phys Chem B, Page 8299-8308, Vol. 124, Issue 38 (2020)
“…Samples were equilibrated at reported temperatures for 5 min using a Quantum Northwest TC125 control. A…”
Quantitative Analysis of Doping-Induced Polarons and Charge-Transfer Complexes of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) in Solution
Arvind, M, Tait, CE, Guerrini, M, Krumland, J, Valencia, AM, Cocchi, C, Mansour, AE, Koch, N, Barlow, S, Marder, SR, Behrends, J, Neher, D, J Phys Chem B, Page 7694-7708, Vol. 124, Issue 35 (2020)
“…For the temperature dependence studies, the instrument was fitted with a temperature-controlled cuvette holder TCL 50 by Quantum Northwest…”
Fluorination Position: A Study of the Optoelectronic Properties of Two Regioisomers Using Spectroscopic and Computational Techniques
Sutton, JJ, Li, Y, Ryu, HS, Tay, EJ, Woo, HY, Gordon, KC, J Phys Chem A, Page 7685-7691, Vol. 124, Issue 38 (2020)
“…Emission was collected using a 355 nm excitation laser (Cobolt, Sweden) in a 90° arrangement with an Acton SP2150i spectrometer (Acton) and PIXIS100 CCD (Princeton Instruments), air-cooled to −70 °C. Variable-temperature data was collected using a variabletemperature cuvette holder (Flash 300, Quantum Northwest) and temperature controller (TC125, Quantum Northwest)…”
Fluorination Position: A Study of the Optoelectronic Properties of Two Regioisomers Using Spectroscopic and Computational Techniques
Sutton, JJ, Li, Y, Ryu, HS, Tay, EJ, Woo, HY, Gordon, KC, J Phys Chem A, Page 7685-7691, Vol. 124, Issue 38 (2020)
“…Emission was collected using a 355 nm excitation laser (Cobolt, Sweden) in a 90° arrangement with an Acton SP2150i spectrometer (Acton) and PIXIS100 CCD (Princeton Instruments), air-cooled to −70 °C. Variable-temperature data was collected using a variabletemperature cuvette holder (Flash 300, Quantum Northwest) and temperature controller (TC125, Quantum Northwest)…”
Noncommutative Switching of Double Spiropyrans
Kortekaas, L, Steen, JD, Duijnstee, DR, Jacquemin, D, Browne, WR, J Phys Chem A, Page 6458-6467, Vol 124, Issue 38 (2020)
“…0 mW), and 660 nm (14.5 mW) was provided by diodes (M300F2, M365F1, M455L3-C5, M490F1, M565F1, and M660F1, respectively, from Thorlabs). UV–vis absorption spectra were recorded at −30 °C using a Quantum Northwest temperature-controlled cuvette holder. Absolute quantum yields were determined as described earlier,23 using the ferrioxalate-based actinometric method described by Hatchard and Park…”
Comparative Study of Thermal Stability and On/Off Fluorescent Signaling Characteristics of Self-Quenching Smart Probes
Oladepo, S, Yusuf, B, Alzaindeen, H, Arab J Sci Eng (2020)
“…We achieved temperature control with the aid of a thermo-electrically cooled sample holder inserted in the fluorescence spectrophotometer and a TC125 temperature control unit obtained from Quantum Northwest Inc. (Liberty Lake, WA, USA)…”
Nanohoop Rotaxane Design to Enhance Selectivity of Reaction Based Probes: A Proof of Principle Study
Otteson, C, Levinn, C, Van Raden, J, Pluth, M, Jasti, R, ChemRxiv (2020)
“…Technology International) equipped with a Quantum Northwest TLC-50 temperature controller at 25.0 ± 0.05 °C. IR spectrofluorometer (Photon Technology International) equipped with a Quantum Northwest TLC-50 temperature controller at…”
Modulating the Biological Function of Protein by Tailoring the Adsorption Orientation on Nanoparticles
Jain, A, Trindade, G, Hicks, J, Pott, J, Rahman, R, Hague, R, Amabilino, D, Pérez-García, L, Rawson, F, ChemRxiv (2020)
“…Far and near UV CD spectra were recorded at 20 ºC on a Chirascan CD spectrophotometer (Applied Photophysics) equipped with a temperature control unit TC125 (Quantum Northwest)…”
Tetramethylbenzidine: A Photoacoustic Probe for Reactive Oxygen Species Detection
Bresolí-Obach, R, Frattini, M, Abbruzzetti, S, Viappiani, C, Agut, M, Nonell, S, Preprint (2020)
“…Then, the laser-induced pressure changes in the sample were detected by a Panametrics piezoelectric transducer pressed to the side wall of a cuvette and held in a temperature-controlled holder (Quantum Northwest, WA, USA)…”
Fenretinide binding to the lysosomal protein saposin D alters ceramide solubilization and hydrolysis
Milliken, B, Melegari, L, Smith, G, Grohn, K, Wolfe, A, Moody, K, Bou-Abdallah, F, Doyle, R, RSC Med. Chem., Page 1048-1052, Vol. 11, Issue 9 (2020)
“…Data analysis was performed as described by Priyadarsini et al. 21 All experiments were conducted at 25 °C using a QNW Quantum Northwest TC125 temperature controller, in 50/50 DMF/PBS buffer, pH 5.5. Final reagents concentrations are indicated in the figure…”
Visible and NIR Upconverting Er 3+ –Yb 3+ Luminescent Nanorattles and Other Hybrid PMO‐Inorganic Structures for In Vivo Nanothermometry
Kaczmarek, A, Suta, M, Rijckaert, H, Abalymov, A, Van Driessche, I, Skirtach, A, Meijerink, A, Van Der Voort, P, Adv. Funct. Mater., Page 2003101 (2020)
“…Temperature‐dependent emission spectra above room temperature of the powders were measured in a Linkam (Surrey, UK) THMS600 Microscope Stage (±0.1 °C temperature stability) that could be placed in the spectrometer. Aqueous suspensions of the particles were measured using a QPOD 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA), which was placed in the spectrometer…”
Co-immobilization of a Rh Catalyst and a Keggin Polyoxometalate in the UiO-67 Zr-Based Metal-Organic Framework: In Depth Structural Characterization and Photocatalytic Properties for CO2 Reduction
Benseghir, Y, Lemarchand, A, Duguet, M, Mialane, P, Gomez-Mingot, M, Roch-Marchal, C, Pino, T, Ha-Thi, MH, Haouas, M, Fontecave, M, Dolbecq, A, Sassoye, C, Mellot-Draznieks, C, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Page 9428-9438, Vol. 142, Issue 20 (2020)
“…Samples were prepared in a 1 cm path length quartz sealed cuvette (Hellma) which was placed in a temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest) maintained at 20 °C with a circulated water bath. A 5:1 CH3CN/TEOA mixture was used as a solvent (CH3CN and TEOA purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used without further purification)…”
Threading Different Rings on X-Shaped Block Copolymers: Hybrid Pseudopolyrotaxanes of Cyclodextrins and Tetronics
Puig-Rigall, J, Serra-Gómez, R, Guembe-Michel, N, Grillo, I, Dreiss, C, González-Gaitano, G, Macromolecules, Page 3166-3174, Vol. 54, Issue 8 (2020)
“…spectrophotometer (2 nm resolution). Samples were placed in 1 cm-path-length quartz cuvettes with magnetic stirring and temperature control incorporated (±0.1 °C, Quantum Northwest TC 1 accessory). The conditions set were…”
The electrospinning of a thermo-responsive polymer with peptide conjugates for phenotype support and extracellular matrix production of therapeutically relevant mammalian cells
Ruiter, FAA, Sidney, LE, Kiick, KL, Segal, JI, Alexander, C, Rose, FRAJ, Biomater Sci, Page 2611-2626, Vol. 8, Issue 9 (2020)
“…placed into the UV/VIS equipment. The chamber was cooled to 5 °C before measurement using a Quantum Northwest Peltier-Controlled Cuvette Holder (Quantum Northwest Inc, WA, USA). UV-VIS absorbance was measured…”
Modulation of Osmium(II) Tris(2,2\’-bipyridine) Photophysics through Encapsulation within Zinc(II) Trimesic Acid Metal Organic Frameworks
Mayers, JM, Larsen, RW, Inorg Chem, Page 7761-7767, VVol. 59, Issue 11 (2020)
“…The four-sided quartz cuvette containing solid OsBpy@MOF was sealed with a septum cap and wrapped with parafilm. The cuvette was then deaerated with Ar gas and then placed in a variable temperature sample holder (Quantum Northwest)…”
Pharmacological inhibition and knockdown of O-GlcNAcase reduces cellular internalization of α-synuclein preformed fibrils
Tavassoly, O, Yue, J, Vocadlo, DJ, FEBS J. (2020)
“…and their CD spectra were collected on an Applied Photophysics CHIRASCAN PLUS CD Spectrophotometer equipped with a Quantum Northwest TC125 temperature controller at 22 °C using a cell with a 0.2-cm path length…”
Reversible Symmetry-Breaking Charge Separation in a Series of Perylenediimide Cyclophanes
Coleman, A, Chen, M, Zhou, J, Shin, J, Wu, Y, Young, R, Wasielewski, M, J. Phys. Chem. C, Page 10408-10419, Vol. 124, Issue 19 (2020)
“…The optical density of the samples was ∼0.5 at the excitation wavelength in 2 mm cuvettes. The temperature of the sample was regulated using a thermoelectric cuvette holder (Flash 100) with a temperature controller (Quantum Northwest)…”
Biocatalytic CO2 Absorption and Structural Studies of Carbonic Anhydrase under Industrially-Relevant Conditions
Castro, AM, Ferreira, E, Portugal, C, Neves, LA, Crespo, JG, Int J Mol Sci, Vol. 21, Issue 8 (2020)
“…Full spectra were recorded in Datamax software. Circular Dichroism (CD) analysis was carried out in a Chirascan qCD, from Applied Photophysics, provided with a Quantum Northwest TC125 temperature controller. The quartz cuvette path length was 0.2 mm…”
Specific features of the interaction between chemical traps and phthalocyanine dyes affecting the measurement of the yield of reactive oxygen species
Gvozdev, D, Ramonova, A, Maksimov, E, Paschenko, V, Dyes and Pigments, Page 108538, Vol. 181 (2020)
“…The measurements were performed in a Qpod 2e thermostatic cell (Quantum Northwest, USA) at a constant temperature of 25 о C, under stirring at 300 rpm. All calculations were performed using OriginPro 9.1 software packages (OriginLab Corporation, USA)…”
A study of silylated tris(styryl)benzenes as potential fluorescent sensors for aqueous fluoride
Sánchez-Ruiz, A, González-Alfaro, S, García-Martínez, J, Rodríguez-López, J, Dyes and Pigments, Page 108610 (2020)
“…A TLC 50 temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest) was used for the measurements (temperature was controlled at 298 K). Quartz cuvettes (Hellma Analytics) of 10 mm were employed for all the spectroscopic measurements…”
Biopolymer-coated gold nanoparticles inhibit human insulin amyloid fibrillation
Meesaragandla, B, Karanth, S, Janke, U, Delcea, M, Sci Rep, Page 7862, Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2020)
“…Deposits of protein misfolding and/or aggregates are a pathological hallmark of amyloid-related diseases. For instance, insulin amyloid fibril deposits have been observed in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus after insulin administration. Here, we report , – A Chirascan spectrophotometer (Applied Photophysics, Leatherhead, UK) equipped with a thermostatically controlled cell holder (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, USA) was used for CD measurements which were carried out in the region 190 to 260 nm with a bandwidth…”
Magnetically aligned membrane mimetics enabling comparable chiroptical and magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies
Evans, LS, Hussain, R, Siligardi, G, Williamson, PTF, Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr, Page 183343, Vol. 1862, Issue 1 (2020)
“…for protein spectra, or buffer baseline for lipid spectra). Sample temperature was controlled using a Peltier cell holder (Quantum Northwest, Washington, USA). For temperature ramped experiments the start and end temperatures…”
Effects of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nano-materials on lipid order in model membranes
Sydor, MJ, Anderson, DS, Steele, HBB, Ross, JBA, Holian, A, Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr, Page 183313, Vol. 1862, Issue 9 (2020)
“…Fluorescence measurements were collected using a custom-built fluorimeter (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA) as previously described [26]. The probe, Di-4-ANEPPDHQ was ex…”
The first molecular characterisation of blue- and red-light photoreceptors from Methylobacterium radiotolerans
Consiglieri, E, Xu, QZ, Zhao, KH, Gärtner, W, Losi, A, Phys Chem Chem Phys, Page 12434-12446, Vol. 22, Issue 22 (2020)
“…The samples (ca. 2.8 mL) were temperature controlled to ±0.02 °C in the cuvette holder FLASH 100 (Quantum Northwest, Spokane, WA, USA)…”
Influence of crowding on hydrophobic hydration-shell structure
Bredt, AJ, Ben-Amotz, D, Phys Chem Chem Phys, Page 11724-11730, Vo. 22, Issue 20 (2020)
“…Princeton Instruments Inc. Pixis 400B). The samples were temperature controlled to a stability of better than ±0.1 °C over a temperature range of 20 °C to 100 °C using a TE cooled cell holder (Quantum Northwest). 43. Raman-MCR…”
The metal- and substrate-dependences of 2,4\’-Dihydroxyacetophenone dioxygenase
Roberts, KM, Connor, GC, Cave, CH, Rowe, GT, Page, CA, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., Page 108441 (2020)
“…UV-visible absorbance assays were performed using an Agilent Cary 8454 UV-visible spectrophotometer fitted with a Quantum Northwest (Liberty Lake, WA) t2 Sport Peltier-driven temperature-controlled cuvette holder and a Semrock (Rochester, NY) BrightLine…”
Controlling the thermal response of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-poly(ethylene glycol)- poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) triblock copolymers in aqueous solution by means of additives
Stănescu, P, Radu, I, Drăghici, C, Teodorescu, M, Reactive and Functional Polymers, Page 104610, Vol. 152 (2020)
“…The cloud point temperatures (CP) of the triblock copolymer solutions were determined on an USB-4000 Ocean Optics UV-VIS spectrometer connected to a qpod 2e temperature- controlled cuvette holder with magnetic stirring (Quantum Northwest, USA)…”
Impact of azole drugs on energetics, kinetics, and ligand migration pathways of CO photo-dissociation in bacterial flavohemoglobins
Butcher, D, Moussaoui, M, Baciou, L, Miksovska, J, RSC Advances (2020)
“…The set-up of the PAC instrumentation has been described previously. 14 For PAC measurements, samples were transferred to a 1.0 cm by 0.5 cm Spectrosil quartz cuvette (Starna Cells) and placed in a temperature-controlled sample holder (TC 125, Quantum Northwest…”
Excited-State Properties of Canthaxanthin in Cyanobacterial Carotenoid-Binding Proteins HCP2 and HCP3
Khan, T, Dominguez-Martin, MA, Šímová, I, Fuciman, M, Kerfeld, CA, Polívka, T, J Phys Chem B, Page 4896-4905, Vol. 124, Issue 24 (2020)
“…photon.cm-2.pulse-1. All experiments were carried out at 15°C to minimize possible degradation. A temperature-controlled sample holder (Flash 300, Quantum Northwest, USA) was used to set the temperature during experiments…”
Plant cell (Brassica napus) response to europium(III) and uranium(VI) exposure
Moll, H, Sachs, S, Geipel, G, Environ Sci Pollut Res Int (2020)
“…Spectra were recorded at room temperature using a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder (Flash 300, Quantum Northwest, USA), which was set to 293 K. Depending on the uranium concentration, spectra were measured with 40 to 100 laser pulses per spec- trum in the…”
Biologically-relevant interactions, phase separations and thermodynamics of chitosan–mucin binary systems
Ahmad, M, Ritzoulis, C, Pan, W, Chen, J, Process Biochemistry, Page 152-163, Vol. 94 (2020)
“…Fluorescence spectra were recorded on a Hitachi F-7000 spectrofluorometer (Tokyo, Japan) equipped with the Quantum Northwest Inc., Luma 40, TC1, turret 6 temperature controller (Liberty Lake, WA, USA) using a 1 cm path length quartz cuvette…”
Investigation of Ferrocene Linkers in β-Substituted Porphyrins
Mapley, JI, Hayes, P, Officer, DL, Wagner, P, Gordon, KC, J Phys Chem A (2020)
“…Samples were measured in a 1 cm quartz cuvette, after degassing with argon, and held at a constant temperature with a TLC125 (Quantum Northwest) temperature controller. Sample excitation was obtained using the third harmonic (355 nm) of a Nd:YAG pulse laser (Quantel Brilliant) operated at 10 Hz…”
The Passerini three-component reaction of aldehyde end-functionalized polymers via RAFT polymerization using chain transfer agents featuring aldehyde
Kakuchi, R, Okura, Y, Polym J (2020)
“…The UV–Vis spectra were recorded by an Agilent Cary 60 equipped with a temperature controller unit, t2 Sport/Cary60 by Quantum Northwest, Inc…”
Long-term stability of insulin glulisine loaded nanoparticles formulated using an amphiphilic cyclodextrin and designed for intestinal delivery
Presas, E, Sultan, E, Gervasi, V, Crean, AM, Werner, U, Bazile, D, O’Driscoll, CM, Drug Dev Ind Pharm, Page 1073-1079, Vol. 46, Issue 7 (2020)
“…Sample temperature was set at 20 °C using a Quantum temperature control device (Quantum Northwest TC 125™ Temperature Controller WA, USA). Sample background spectra were recorded and subtracted from the spectra for the insulin glulisine control solutions…”
Exploration and Modulation of Antibody Fragment Biophysical Properties by Replacing the Framework Region Sequences
Cnudde, T, Lakhrif, Z, Bourgoin, J, Boursin, F, Horiot, C, Henriquet, C, di Tommaso, A, Juste, MO, Jiacomini, IG, Dimier-Poisson, I, Pugnière, M, Mévélec, MN, Aubrey, N, Antibodies (Basel), Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
“…The spectrofluorometer was equipped with a thermostated cell and a TC 125 temperature control unit (Quantum Northwest)…”
Photobleaching of Phthalocyanine Molecules within a Complex with Colloidal Quantum Dots
Gvozdev, D, Maksimov, E, Paschenko, V, Moscow Univ. Biol.Sci. Bull., Page V, Vol. 75, Issue 1 (2020)
“…The experiment was carried out in a thermostatically controlled cell Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, United States) at a temperature of 25°C. All calculations were carried out using the OriginPro 9.1 software package (OriginLab Corporation, United States)…”
Progress Towards Colorimetric and Fluorescent Detection of Carbonyl Sulfide
Cerda, M, Fehr, J, Sherbow, T, Pluth, M, chemrxiv.org (2020)
“…UV- Vis spectra were acquired on a Cary 100 spectrophotometer equipped with a Quantum Northwest TLC-42 dual cuvette temperature controller set at 25.00 ± 0.05 °C. Fluorescence spectra were obtained on a Quanta Master 40 spectrofluorometer (Photon…”
Molecular basis for the recognition of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein by the 14-3-3 protein family
Tugaeva, K, Titterington, J, Sotnikov, D, Maksimov, E, Antson, A, Sluchanko, N, bioRxiv (2020)
“…teins. The temperature of the sample was stabilized at 25 °C by a Peltier31 controlled cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest,…)
A far-red fluorescent chemogenetic reporter for in vivo molecular imaging
Li, C, Tebo, A, Thauvin, M, Plamont, M, Volovitch, M, Morin, X, Vriz, S, Gautier, A, bioRxiv (2020)
“…Steady state UV-Vis absorption spectra were recorded using a Cary 300 UV-Vis spectrometer (Agilent Technologies), equipped with a Versa20 Peltier-based temperature-controlled cuvette chamber (Quantum Northwest) and fluorescence data were recorded using a LPS 220 spectrofluorometer (PTI, Monmouth Junction, NJ), equipped with a TLC50TM Legacy/PTI Peltier-based temperature-controlled cuvette chamber (Quantum Northwest)…”