We enjoy seeing what you do with our products. Here is some recent published work reporting use of Quantum Northwest temperature control.
Discovery of a cryptic allosteric site in Ebola’s ‘undruggable’ VP35 protein using simulations and experiments
Cruz, M, Frederick, T, Singh, S, Vithani, N, Zimmerman, M, Porter, J, Moeder, K, Amarasinghe, G, Bowman, G, bioRxiv (2020)
“…https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.09.940510 doi: bioRxiv preprint Page 15. International Quanta- Master 800 rapid excitation spectrofluorometer with Quantum Northwest Inc. TC-125 Peltier-controlled cuvette holder. Fluorescence…”
Multiple Oligonucleotide Hybridization to Nucleic Acid Secondary Structures
Rosenberg, S, Thesis (2020)
“…measurements with a halogen/deuterium lamp as light source (200 to 800 nm in wavelength). Sample temperature was controlled by Quantum Northwest qpod 2e temperature-controlled cuvette holder. Kinetics measurements were conducted at 25°C…”
Insights into the Structure and Aggregation of Lens Crystallins and Other Aggregation-prone Proteins
Grosas, AB, Thesis (2020)
“…Experiments were performed using an Applied Photophysics Chirascan spectrophotometer attached to a Quantum Northwest TC 125 PELTIER temperature controller…”
Studying the cellular distribution of highly phototoxic platinated metalloporphyrins using isotope labelling
Rubbiani, R, Wu, W, Naik, A, Larocca, M, Schneider, L, Padrutt, R, Babu, V, König, C, Hinger, D, Maake, C, Ferrari, S, Gasser, G, Spingler, B, Preprint (2020)
“…The cuvettes containing solutions of the same concentration as used for the corresponding UV-Vis spectroscopy were placed in a CUV-UV/VIS-TC-ABS temperature-controlled Qpod sample compartment (Avantes, The Netherlands) and cooled to 20°C, temperature control was performed with the use of a TC-125 controller (Quantum Northwest, USA) and Q-Blue software. Emission spectroscopy was conducted in a custom-built setup3 , that is based on the setup described by Bonnet and co-workers. 4…”
Фотовыцветание молекул фталоцианинов в составе комплекса с коллоидными квантовыми точками
Гвоздев, ДА, Максимов, ЕГ, Thesis (2020)
“…Экс- перимент проводили в термостатируемой ячейке Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, США) при темпера- туре 25°С. Все вычисления проводили с помощью пакета программ OriginPro 9.1 (OriginLab Corporation, США). езультаты и обсуждение…”
The Reactivities of Non-heme Iron (III) peroxo and Iron (IV) oxo Complexes are Tuned by Presence of a Cis Carboxylato, Alkoxido or Pyridine Donor
Wegeberg, C, Browne, WR, McKenzie, CJ, Thesis (2020)
“…Instrumentation and methods UV/Vis spectra were recorded in 1 cm quartz cuvettes on either an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer with an UNISOKU CoolSpeK UV USP-203 temperature controller or with an Analytikjena Specord S600 with a Quantum Northwest TC 125…”
The Oxidizing Power of Iron (IV) oxo Complexes of a Series of Rtpen Ligands in Water Correlates with the Increasing Energy of the LMCT
Wegeberg, C, Gonzalez, AL, Browne, WR, McKenzie, CJ, Book (2020)
“…Spectra were calibrated with MeCN/toluene (50: 50 v/v). The solutions were cooled if needed to extend the life-time with a Quantum Northwest TC 125 temperature controller at 5 C (water),-10 C (MeOH) or-30 C (MeCN). ESI…”
Conformational Switching in Bcl-xL: Enabling Non-Canonic Inhibition of Apoptosis Involves Multiple Intermediates and Lipid Interactions
Vasquez-Montes, V, Kyrychenko, A, Vargas-Uribe, M, Rodnin, MV, Ladokhin, AS, Cells, Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
“…The experiments were performed using a 2 × 10 mm cuvette oriented perpendicular to the excitation beam. The sample temperature was maintained constant at 25 °C using a Peltier device from Quantum Northwest (Spokane, WA, USA) Cached…”
Use of Dithiasuccinoyl-Caged Amines Enables COS/H2 S Release Lacking Electrophilic Byproducts
Cerda, MM, Mancuso, JL, Mullen, EJ, Hendon, CH, Pluth, MD, Chemistry (2020)
“…Each experiment was performed in quadruplicate unless stated otherwise. UV-Vis spectra were acquired on an Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrophotometer equipped with a Quantum Northwest TC-1 temperature controller set at 25 ± 0.05 °C. Computational Methods…”
Structural and functional insights about unique extremophilic bacterial lipolytic enzyme from metagenome source
Kaur, R, Kumar, R, Verma, S, Kumar, A, Rajesh, C, Sharma, PK, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., Pg. 593-604, Vol. 152 (2020)
“…For variable-temperature CD experiments, the temperature of the protein sample was varied from 20°C to 80 °C using a peltier temperature controller (TC125, Quantum Northwest) with 5 min equilibration time at each temperature…”
Engineering the photoactive orange carotenoid protein with redox-controllable structural dynamics and photoprotective function
Slonimskiy, YB, Maksimov, EG, Lukashev, EP, Moldenhauer, M, Friedrich, T, Sluchanko, NN, Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg, Pg. 148174, Vol. 1861, Issue 5-6 (2020)
“…The temperature of the sample was stabilized by a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) equipped with a magnetic stirrer The temperature of the sample was controlled by a Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) cuvette holder…”
Rapid detection of the authenticity and adulteration of sesame oil using excitation-emission matrix fluorescence and chemometric methods
Yuan, Y, Wang, S, Wang, J, Cheng, Q, Wu, X, Kong, D, Food Control, Pg. 107145, Vol. 112 (2020)
“…about 400s. Furthermore, the sample chamber temperature was maintained at 20 °C using a TC125 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest, Inc., Spokane, WA, USA). 2.3. Chemometric methods. 2.3.1. ATLD. The alternating…”
Highly reproducible, high-yield flow synthesis of gold nanoparticles based on a rational reactor design exploiting the reduction of passivated Au(iii)
Panariello, L, Damilos, S, du Toit, H, Wu, G, Radhakrishnan, A, Parkin, I, Gavriilidis, A, React. Chem. Eng., Pg. 663-676, Vol. 5, Issue 4 (2020)
“…All batch syntheses were performed allowing for in situ time-resolved UV-vis spectroscopy, using a cuvette holder equipped with Peltier elements and a magnetic stirrer (qpod, Quantum Northwest), to allow for temperature control and agitation (stirring speed of 3000…”
Fluorescent-Based Thermal Sensing in Lipid Membranes
Hassoun, S, Karam, P, Langmuir, Pg. 1221-1226, Col. 36, Issue 5 (2020)
“…Steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy was carried out using a Thermo Fisher Lumina spectrometer equipped with a temperature controller unit (T3 Quantum Northwest)…”
Alanine to serine substitutions drive thermal adaptation in a psychrophilic diatom cytochrome c6
Wilson, M, Tillery, L, Tabaie, E, Beery, G, Preusker, J, Bhola, I, Frato, K, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. (2020)
“…1 3 Thermal denaturation Absorption spectra were collected from 350-800 nm over increasing temperature using Agilent Cary 100 Spectropho- tometer (Santa Clara, CA) with Quantum Northwest t2 × 2 Sport temperature-controlled sample holder (Liberty Lake, WA…”
H-Bonding-mediated binding and charge reorganization of proteins on gold nanoparticles
Meesaragandla, B, García, I, Biedenweg, D, Toro-Mendoza, J, Coluzza, I, Liz-Marzán, LM, Delcea, M, Phys Chem Chem Phys, Pg. 4490-4500m Vol. 22, Issue 8 (2020)
“…Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy measurements. CD spectra were measured using a Chirascan spectrophotometer (Applied Photophysics, Leatherhead, UK) equipped with a thermostatically controlled cell holder (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, USA)…”
Laser cooling of Yb3+:KYW
Cheng, L, Andre, LB, Salkeld, AJ, Andrade, LHC, Lima, SM, Silva, JR, Rytz, D, Rand, SC, Opt Express, Pg. 2778-2788, Vol. 28, Issue 3 (2020)
“…luminescence thermometry (DLT) [16] was employed to deduce temperature from variations of the fluorescence lineshape versus T. The DLT signals were calibrated by direct heating or cooling of the sample using a temperature controller (Quantum Northwest Flash…”
Glycolytic oscillations and intracellular K+ concentration are strongly coupled in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Olsen, LF, Stock, RP, Bagatolli, LA, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., Pg. 108257, Vol. 681 (2020)
“…S5). 6.3. Time resolved measurement of NADH, PBFI and ATP. Measurements of NADH and PBFI in cuvette were made in a SPEX Fluorolog spectrofluorometer (Edison, NJ) fitted with a temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA, USA…”
Probing the fibrillation of lysozyme by nanoscale-infrared spectroscopy
Islam, Z, Ali, MH, Popelka, A, Mall, R, Ullah, E, Ponraj, J, Kolatkar, PR, J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn., Pg. 1-10 (2020)
“…CD spectra were obtained using a Chirascan CD spectrometer (Applied Photophysics) equipped with a water bath to control the temperature at 25 °C. The temperature for the experiments was controlled with a Peltier temperature control unit (Quantum northwest)…”
Kinetics and Competing Mechanisms of Antibody Aggregation via Bulk- and Surface-Mediated Pathways
Wood, CV, McEvoy, S, Razinkov, VI, Qi, W, Furst, EM, Roberts, CJ, J Pharm Sci, Pg. 1449-1459, Vol. 109, Issue 4 (2020)
“…pH 5 and pH 6.5 solutions were incubated in hermetically sealed HPLC vials (Waters, Milford, MA) at 66.2°C and 67.7°C, respectively, for 2 h in Peltier temperature controllers (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA)…”
Temperature and pH-Dependent Response of Poly(Acrylic Acid) and Poly(Acrylic Acid-co-Methyl Acrylate) in Highly Concentrated Potassium Chloride Aqueous Solutions
Sinek, A, Kupczak, M, Mielańczyk, A, Lemanowicz, M, Yusa, SI, Neugebauer, D, Gierczycki, A, Polymers (Basel), Vol. 12, Issue 12 (2020)
“…Transmittance was measured using a specially designed apparatus comprised of an Agilent Cary 60 spectrometer (MS Spectrum, Warsaw, Poland) and a Quantum Northwest TC-1 temperature controller coupled with specialty software (MS Spectrum, Warsaw, Poland Cached…”
Hydrogen Tunnelling as a Probe of the Involvement of Water Vibrational Dynamics in Aqueous Chemistry?
Marković, AK, Brala, CJ, Pilepić, V, Uršić, S, Molecules (2020)
“…ration in excess) have been determined spectrophotometrically by monitoring the decrease of absorbance of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) at 420 nm. An Ocean Optics S2000 spectrometer provided with a Quantum Northwest QPOD Temperature-Controlled Sample Compartment for Fiber Optic Spectroscopy was used throughout to collect spectral and absorbance-time data. Kinetic measurements were performed unde…”
Fluorescence Quenching of Dipyrenylalkanes by an Electron/Charge Acceptor
Pandey, S, Singh, H, Yadav, A, Juneja, S, Khokhar, V, Trivedi, S, J Phys Chem B, Pg. 2668-2675, Vol. 124, Issue 13 (2020)
“…The temperature was controlled with a Quantum Northwest Luma 40 circulating chiller bath having a stability of ±0.01 °C and a temperature reproducibility of ±0.05 °C…”
Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase purification using SUMO expression system
Molugu, TR, Oita, RC, Chawla, U, Camp, SM, Brown, MF, Garcia, JGN, Anal. Biochem., Pg. 113597 (2020)
“Spectra were recorded using an OLIS DSM 20 CD spectrophotometer (OLIS, Inc., Bogart, GA, USA) equipped with a Quantum Northwest-CD temperature controller (Northwest Instruments Inc, Liberty lane, WA, USA) with 0.1 mm path length cuvettes at T = 10 °C…”
Diazotization of 5-(4`-Aminophenyl)-10,15,20-tris(4`-sulfophenyl)porphine in Water. Synthesis of Conjugate with H-Acid
Ivanov, D, Sheinin, V, Lyubimtsev, A, Kulikova, O, Koifman, O, MHC, Pg. 375-381, Vol. 12, Issue 4 (2020)
“…Avance III 500, Bruker Biospin AG, масс-спектрометр Shimadzu Biotech AXIMA Confidence MALDI-TOF, оптоволоконный спектрофотометр- спектрофлуориметр AvaSpec-2048-2, снабженный термостатируемой ячейкой qpod® (Quantum Northwest)…”
Discovery of a cryptic allosteric site in Ebola\’s\’ undruggable\’VP35 protein using simulations and experiments
Cruz, MA, Frederick, TE, Singh, S, Vithani, N, bioRxiv (2020)
“…https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.09.940510 doi: bioRxiv preprint Page 15. International Quanta- Master 800 rapid excitation spectrofluorometer with Quantum Northwest Inc. TC-125 Peltier-controlled cuvette holder. Fluorescence…”
Molecular mechanism of light-driven sodium pumping
Kovalev, K, Astashkin, R, Gushchin, I, Orekhov, P, bioRxiv (2020)
“…The glass with crystal slurries was placed into 5x5mm quartz cuvette (Starna Scientific, China) filled with the buffer solution containing 3.4 M sodium malonate pH 8.0 and thermostabilized via sample holder qpod2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) and Huber Ministat 125 (Huber Kältemaschinenbau AG, Germany)…”
Effects of precipitation process on the biophysical properties of highly concentrated proteins
Lim, D, Lee, J, Kim, D, Kim, S, Yu, H, Jeong, S, J. Pharm. Investig. (2020)
“…The lysozyme’s secondary structural properties were determined by CD (circular dichroism) spectroscopy using a Chirascan instrument (Applied Photophysics, London, UK) equipped with a TC125 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest, USA) set at 25 oC…”
Borinic acids as new fast-responsive triggers for hydrogen peroxide detection.
Gatin-Fraudet, B, Ottenwelter, R, Saux, TL, Lombès, T, Baron, A, Durand, P, Norsikian, S, Doisneau, G, Bourdreux, Y, Guianvarc’h, D, Erard, M, Jullien, L, Vauzeilles, DU, Supporting (2020)
“…emission: Corrected fluorescence spectra upon one-photon excitation were recorded with a Photon Technology International QuantaMaster QM-1 spectrofluorimeter (PTI, Monmouth Junction, NJ) equipped with a Peltier cell holder (TLC50, Quantum Northwest, Shoreline…”
Chemical Doping of Well-Dispersed P3HT Thin-Film Nanowire Networks
Tang, K, Huang, L, Lim, J, Zaveri, T, Azoulay, J, Guo, S, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., Pg. 2943-2950, Vol. 1, Issue 11 (2019)
“…The P3HT solution was subsequently cooled to 25 °C at a rate of 25 °C/h controlled by a Quantum Northwest TC1 temperature controller and then aged at that temperature for 18 h…”
Eu-based Phosphorescence Lifetime Polymer Nanothermometer: a Nanoemulsion Polymerization Approach to Eliminate Quenching of Eu Emission in Aqueous Media
Shakirova, J, Shevchenko, N, Baigildin, V, Chelushkin, P, Khlebnikov, A, Tomashenko, O, Solomatina, A, Starova, G, Tunik, S, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. (2019)
“…Page 9. 9 solids) using a temperature-controlled sample compartment qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA). Preparation of luminescent particles. The LNT species were prepared as follows. A typical protocol for the synthesis at 5 wt…”
DNA transistors switched by the Hofmeister effect
Hoog, TG, Pawlak, MR, Aufdembrink, LM, Bachan, BR, bioRxiv (2019)
“…Thermal denaturation experiments were performed using a qCHANGER 6/Cary60 (Quantum Northwest) interfaced to a Cary 60 UV-Visible spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies) using a custom ADL script developed by Quantum Northwest to collect full spectra…”
Soluble cyanobacterial carotenoprotein as a robust antioxidant nanocarrier and delivery module
Maksimov, EG, Zamaraev, AV, Parshina, EY, bioRxiv (2019)
“…was measured as the change of optical density at 550 nm with 100 ms time resolution, the precision of optical density measurement was 5·10-3. The temperature of the samples was stabilized by a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA…”
Influence of Lipid Compositions in the Events of Retinal Schiff Base of Bacteriorhodopsin Embedded in Covalently Circularized Nanodiscs: Thermal Isomerization, Photoisomerization, and Deprotonation
Huang, HY, Syue, ML, Chen, IC, Yu, TY, Chu, LK, J Phys Chem B, Pg. 9123-9133, Vol. 123, Issue 43 (2019)
“…A stationary deuterium/tungsten halogen lamp (DH-2000, Ocean Optics) served as the probing light and was introduced to a thermostatic cell compartment (qpod, Quantum Northwest) set at 25 °C. T…”
Green approach for simultaneous determination of multi-pesticide residue in environmental water samples using excitation-emission matrix fluorescence and multivariate calibration
Yuan, YY, Wang, ST, Liu, SY, Cheng, Q, Wang, ZF, Kong, DM, Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, Pg. 117801 (2019)
“…The slit widths of excitation and emission monochromators were set to 10 nm, and the scan rate was set as 1500 nm min − 1 . The sample chamber temperature was maintained at 20 °C using a TC125 temperature control (Quantum Northwest, Inc. Spokane, WA)…”
Divalent Cations and the Divergence of βγ-Crystallin Function
Roskamp, KW, Kozlyuk, N, Sengupta, S, Bierma, JC, Martin, RW, Biochemistry, Pg. 4505-4518, Vol. 58, Issue 45 (2019)
“…The sample temperatures were controlled using a Quantum Northwest TC 1 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest, Inc.) with a 2 min equilibration at each 1 °C temperature increment…”
Detection of Several Homologous MicroRNAs by a Single Smart Probe System Consisting of Linear Nucleic Acid Blockers
Oladepo, SA, Yusuf, BO, Molecules, Vol. 24, Issue 20 (2019)
“…s individually mixed with the SP or as a mixture of targets. The fluorescence spectra were acquired on 200–400 µL solutions, using a TE-cooled sample holder and a TC125 Temperature Control module (Quantum Northwest Inc., Liberty Lake, WA, USA). The temperature was programmed to vary (in 2 °C increments) from 20–78 °C, with a settling time of 100 s. In the presence of varying concentrations…”
Modification by transferrin increases the efficiency of delivery and the photodynamic effect of the quantum dot-phthalocyanine complex on A431 cells
Gvozdev, DA, Ramonova, АА, Slonimskiy, YB, Maksimov, ЕG, Moisenovich, ММ, Paschenko, VZ, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., Pg. 108192, Vol. 678 (2019)
“…Measurements were carried out in a Qpod 2e thermostatic cell (Quantum Northwest, USA) at a temperature of 25 °C. The decay of fluorescence anisotropy was approximated by the sum of the exponents r ( t ) = ∑ i n r 0 i e − t / θ i , where r 0 i is the fundamental anisotropy…”
Structural peculiarities of keto-carotenoids in water-soluble proteins revealed by simulation of linear absorption
Pishchalnikov, RY, Yaroshevich, IA, Slastnikova, TA, Ashikhmin, AA, Stepanov, AV, Slutskaya, EA, Friedrich, T, Sluchanko, NN, Maksimov, EG, Phys Chem Chem Phys, Pg. 25707-25719, Vol. 21, Issue 46 (2019)
“…In order to compensate for the effect of light scattering, an integrating sphere was installed in front of the sample. The temperature of the samples was stabilized by a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) with a magnetic stirrer…”
Photic generation of 11-cis-retinal in bovine retinal pigment epithelium
Zhang, J, Choi, EH, Tworak, A, Salom, D, Leinonen, H, Sander, CL, Hoang, TV, Handa, JT, Blackshaw, S, Palczewska, G, Kiser, PD, Palczewski, K, J. Biol. Chem., Pg. 19137-19154, Vol. 294, Issue 50 (2019)
“…To ensure consistent placement between the cuvette and the light emitting fiberend, we used a cage-mounted customized CVH100 cuvette holder (Thorlabs) and customized t2Sport cuvette holder with Peltierdriven temperature control (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA, USA)…”
Energy Transfer between CNT Surface and −Re(CO)3(phen)+* Pendants Grafted to P4VP in Nanohybrid Shish-Kebob-like Structures
Maisuls, I, Ostendorp, S, Wilde, G, Parola, A, Strassert, C, Wolcan, E, J. Phys. Chem. C (2019)
“…grooves/mm), Glan-Thompson polarizers for excitation (Xe-lamps) and emission, a Peltier- thermostatized sample holder from Quantum Northwest (-40°C – 105°C), and two detectors, Page 7 of 36 ACS Paragon Plus Environment The Journal of Physical Chemistry…”
Comparative ultrafast spectroscopy and structural analysis of OCP1 and OCP2 from Tolypothrix
Kuznetsova, V, Dominguez-Martin, MA, Bao, H, Gupta, S, Sutter, M, Kloz, M, Rebarz, M, Přeček, M, Chen, Y, Petzold, CJ, Ralston, CY, Kerfeld, CA, Polívka, T, Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg, Pg. 148120, Vol. 1861, Issue 2 (2019)
“…in Ref. [16]. 2.6. Ultrafast spectroscopy. For all experiments, a 2 mm path length quartz cuvette with a magnetic stirrer, placed into a temperature-controlled sample holder (Quantum Northwest) was used. The sample temperature…”
Thermal Inactivation of a Cold-Active Esterase PMGL3 Isolated from the Permafrost Metagenomic Library
Kryukova, MV, Petrovskaya, LE, Kryukova, EA, Lomakina, GY, Yakimov, SA, Maksimov, EG, Boyko, KM, Popov, VO, Dolgikh, DA, Kirpichnikov, MP, Biomolecules, Vol. 9, Issue 12 (2019)
“…the lifetime and the amplitude (normalized to unity: 1 n i i a = ∑ ) of the i-th fluorescence decay component, respectively. The temperature of the sample was controlled by a Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA, USA) cuvette holder…”
Chemical physics of whey protein isolate in the presence of mucin: From macromolecular interactions to functionality
Ahmad, M, Ritzoulis, C, Pan, W, Chen, J, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., Pg. 573-581, Vol. 143 (2019)
“…The intensities of emitted fluorescence radiation were recorded on a Hitachi F-7000 spectrofluorometer (Tokyo, Japan) with a Luma 40, TC1, turret 6 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest Inc., Liberty Lake, WA) using a 1 cm quartz cuvette…”
Divalent Cations and Lipid Composition Modulate Membrane Insertion and Cancer-Targeting Action of pHLIP
Vasquez-Montes, V, Gerhart, J, Thévenin, D, Ladokhin, AS, J. Mol. Biol., Pg. 5004-5018, Vol. 431, Issue 24 (2019)
“…, Sample temperature was maintained constant at 25 °C using a Peltier device from Quantum Northwest (Spokane, WA.)…”
Extended Alkenyl and Alkynyl Benzotriazoles with Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption Properties as a Promising Alternative to Benzothiadiazoles
Torres-Moya, I, Benitez-Martin, C, Donoso, B, Tardío, C, Martín, R, Carrillo, JR, Díaz-Ortiz, Á, Najera, F, Prieto, P, Perez-Inestrosa, E, Chemistry, Pg. 15572-15579, Vol. 25, Issue 68 (2019)
“…or blazed at 1250 nm with 5.4 nm mm−1 dispersion and 600 grooves per mm), Glan‐Thompson polarizers for excitation (Xe lamps) and emission, a Peltier thermostatted sample holder from Quantum Northwest (40 to 105 °C), …”
Molecular interactions between gelatin and mucin: Phase behaviour, thermodynamics and rheological studies
Ahmad, M, Ritzoulis, C, Pan, W, Chen, J, Food Hydrocolloids (2019)
“…The fluorescence intensity was recorded as function of the wavelength on a Hitachi F-7000 spectrofluorometer (Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a Quantum Northwest Inc., Luma 40, TC1, turret 6 temperature controller (Liberty Lake, WA, USA) using a 1 cm-path length…”
Reconfiguration of π-conjugated superstructures enabled by redox-assisted assembly
Liu, K, Mukhopadhyay, A, Ashcraft, A, Liu, C, Levy, A, Blackwelder, P, Olivier, JH, Chem. Commun. (Camb.), Pg. 5603-5606, Vol. 55, Issue 39 (2019)
“…NMR spectra were recorded on an Avance Bruker 400 MHz spectrometer. UV-vis-NIR spectra were recorded on a Cary 5000 equipped with a Peltier-controlled heating stage (Versa 20 from Quantum Northwest). IR spectra were recorded on a Perkin Elmer Frontier…”
Chemoplasmonic Oscillation: A Chemomechanical Energy Transducer
Deng, F, Feng, J, Ding, T, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, Pg. 42580-42585, Vol. 11, Issue 45 (2019)
“…UV−vis extinction spectra (QE65000, Ocean Optics) and pH values (F-72G, Horiba) of the solution were continuously recorded during the pH/chemoplasmonic oscillation in a qpod-2e cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest) at the stirring rate of 500 rpm…”
Epigenetic modification of cytosines fine tunes the stability of i-motif DNA
Wright, EP, Abdelhamid, MAS, Ehiabor, MO, Grigg, MC, Irving, K, Smith, NM, Waller, ZAE, Nucleic Acids Res. (2019)
“…UV absorption spectroscopy UV spectroscopy experiments were performed on a Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrometer (Agilent Technologies) equipped with a qChanger Temperature Controller (Quantum Northwest) and recorded using low volume masked quartz cuvettes…”