We enjoy seeing what you do with our products. Here is some recent published work reporting use of Quantum Northwest temperature control.
Sub-20 nm Core-Shell-Shell Nanoparticles for Bright Upconversion and Enhanced Förster Resonant Energy Transfer
Siefe, C, Mehlenbacher, RD, Peng, CS, Zhang, Y, Fischer, S, Lay, A, McLellan, CA, Alivisatos, AP, Chu, S, Dionne, JA, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Pg. 16997-17005, Vol. 141, Issue 42 (2019)
“…The cuvette was stirred in a qpod 2e cuvette holder from Quantum Northwest, coupled to a 980 nm diode (MDL-III-980/2W from Opto Engine LLC), and spectra were collected using an Ocean Optics HR4000 Spectrometer while the temperature was maintained at 20 °C…”
Development of methods based on NIR and Raman spectroscopies together with chemometric tools for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of gasoline
de Paula Pedroza, RH, Thesis (2019)
“…The spectra were obtained using the same spectrometer as in the qualitative analysis, however, the instrument was configured for the transmission mode instead of transflection. A Quantum Northwest temperature-controlled cuvette holder model t2 Sport (Liberty Lake, WA, United States) was coupled inside the instrument compartment,…”
Rapid Hydrolysis of Organophosphates Induced by U(IV) Nanoparticles: A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study using Spectroscopic Analysis
Cho, H, Cha, W, Colloids and Interfaces, Pg. 63, Vol. 3, Issue 4 (2019)
“…nitrophenolate (NP). A spectrophotometer (MCS601, Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) equipped with a temperature-controlled cell holder (Qpod 2e, Quantum Northwest, USA) was used for the measurements. Typically, aqueous Cached…”
Dithiasuccinoyl-Caged Amines Enables COS/H2S Release Lacking Electrophilic Byproducts
Cerda, M, Mancuso, J, Mullen, E, Hendon, C, Pluth, M, ChemRxiv (2019)
“…Each experiment was performed in quadruplicate unless stated otherwise. UV-Vis spectra were acquired on an Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrophotometer equipped with a Quantum Northwest TC-1 temperature controller set at 25 ± 0.05 °C. Computational Methods…”
Charge Reduction of Membrane Proteins in Native Mass Spectrometry Using Alkali Metal Acetate Salts
Petroff II, J, Tong, A, Chen, L, DeKoster, G, Khan, F, Abramson, J, Frieden, C, Cheng, W, ChemRxiv (2019)
“…fluorescence emission spectra of ELIC and a small tryptophan containing peptide were collected using a PTI spectrofluorometer (Photon Technology International, now Horiba Scientific) equipped with a Peltier-controlled four-position cell changer (Quantum Northwest…”
Computer-Aided Understanding of Perturbations in Soft Matter Systems
Uralcan, B, Thesis (2019)
“…Circular dichroism spectra at 222 nm and 230 nm were collected at 1 K increments using a Chirascan CD Spectrometer (Applied Photophysics, Leatherhead, UK). Temperature ramping at 0.5 K/min was carried out by a TC125 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA) and a Julabo AWC100 recirculating cooler. Each wavelength was sampled for 25 seconds. Molar ellipticity values were determined from the raw CD data and the known TC5b molarity. Helix fraction was calculated from ellipticity as in Heyda et al…”
Investigating hybridization kinetics of oligos binding to DNA secondary structures
Zou, O, Thesis (2019)
“…Page 9. 6 Fluorescence Measurements Fluorescence measurements were taken with an Ocean Optics Flame-S-UV-VIS-ES spectrometer. The quartz cuvette temperature was maintained at 25˚C using the Quantum Northwest qpod 2e temperature-controlled cuvette…”
The contribution of the ankyrin repeat domain of TRPV1 as a thermal module
Ladron-de-Guevara, E, Rangel-Yescas, GE, bioRxiv, Pg. 1-27 (2019)
“…collected from 310 to 400 nm, using excitation and emission slits of 0.25 and 1 mm respectively. The 159 temperature was controlled with a Peltier device (Quantum Northwest). Normalized intensity at 330 nm 160 and SCM data (see below) were fitted to Eq. 1. 161…”
First Synthesisof HighlyChemiluminescentBenzo[b]furan-2(3H)-onesBearinga Urea Substructure
Krieg, R, Hoffmann, B, Weiß, D, Biskup, C, HCA, Pg, 1-20 (2019)
“…Excitation and emission slits were set to 5 nm. All measurements were performed in macro quartz cuvettes with a path length of 1 cm (Hellma Optics) under magnetic stirring at (25.0±0.1) °C using a temperature‐controlled cuvette holder. Temperature was monitored by a controller (TC 425, Quantum Northwest, USA). At least three measurements were made for each substance, which have been purified for the measurements, and the controls. Spectra were blank corrected, that is, subtracting the contribution of the solvent…”
Using Time-Resolved Fluorescence Anisotropy of di-4-ANEPPDHQ and F2N12S to Analyze Lipid Packing Dynamics in Model Systems
Steele, HBB, Sydor, MJ, Anderson, DS, Holian, A, Ross, JBA, J Fluoresc, Pg. 347-352, Vol. 29, Issue 2 (2019)
“…FluorTools.com). Fluorescence Lifetime and Time-Resolved Anisotropy Decay Measurements. TCSPC data was collected using a custom fluorimeter (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA) as described previously [25]. Di-4…”
Intramolecular cross-linking of proteins with azobenzene-based cross-linkers
Yasuike, N, Lu, H, Xia, P, Woolley, G, Methods in Enzymology (2019)
“…5.2. Characterization by UV-vis spectrophotometer 5.2.1. Equipment • UV-vis spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer Lambda 35) • Temperature-controlled cuvette holder (from Quantum Northwest) • 10 mm quartz cuvette • 370 nm LED (from LedEngin, operating at 68 mW/cm2) 5.2.2. Materials • IAC-cross-linked protein sample in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0…”
Methods for thermal denaturation studies of nucleic acids in complex with fluorogenic dyes
Aufdembrink, LM, Hoog, TG, Pawlak, MR, Bachan, BF, Heili, JM, Engelhart, AE, Meth. Enzymol., Pg. 23-43, Vol. 623 (2019)
“…The Agilent Cary 60 is among the more inexpensive cuvette-based UV-visible spectrometers available (ca. $11K new as of 2017) but is unique in that it employs a flashlamp source with a 80 Hz repetition rate, enabling scanning a full UV-visible spectrum in a few seconds. It does not have a multi-cell Peltier module, but one is commercially available from a third-party vendor (qCHANGER 6 from Quantum Northwest, ca. $7K new as of 2017). Here, we describe the use of the combination of these two instruments for data collection in full-spectrum UV-visible thermal denaturation…”
Hybrid coupling of R-phycoerythrin and the orange carotenoid protein supports the FRET-based mechanism of cyanobacterial photoprotection
Maksimov, EG, Li, WJ, Protasova, EA, Friedrich, T, Ge, B, Qin, S, Sluchanko, NN, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2019)
“…A 550 nm longpass filter (Thorlabs, USA) was used to block excitation light. During the experiment temperature of the sample was controlled by a cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA). 3. Results and discussion…”
Complexation of Eu(III) with furan monocarboxylates in aqueous medium at variable temperatures: Luminescence and computational studies
Kumar, S, Maji, S, Ramanathan, N, Sundararajan, K, Journal of Luminescence, Pg. 83-91, Vol. 212 (2019)
“…The temperature of the solution was adjusted to different values (283-343 K) using a temperature controlled cuvette holder (TC-125, Quantum Northwest USA). Luminescence decay spectra of the excited states were recorded using the same instrument with a μs-Xe…”
The self-association equilibria of doxorubicin at high concentration and ionic strength characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations
Tasca, E, Alba, J, Galantini, L, D’Abramo, M, Giuliani, A, Amadei, A, Palazzo, G, Giustini, M, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Pg. 517-522, Vol. 577 (2019)
“…Steady-state fluorescence measurements were performed on a Fluoromax 2 instrument (Horiba-Jobin Yvon), equipped with a Peltier thermostatted LUMA 40/JY1 sample holder (Quantum Northwest) controlled by the TC1 unit via the T-App software from the same…”
Lipid-modulation of membrane insertion and refolding of the apoptotic inhibitor Bcl-xL
Vasquez-Montes, V, Vargas-Uribe, M, Pandey, NK, Rodnin, MV, Langen, R, Ladokhin, AS, Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom, Pg. 691-700, Vo. 1867, Issue 7-8 (2019)
“…Measurements were made using a 2 × 10 mm cuvette oriented perpendicular to the excitation beam and maintained at 25 °C using a Peltier device from Quantum Northwest (Spokane, WA.). All measurements were collected after the sample was equilibrated for at least…”
Drug-induced activation of integrin alpha IIb beta 3 leads to minor localized structural changes
Janke, U, Kulke, M, Buchholz, I, Geist, N, Langel, W, Delcea, M, PLoS ONE, Pg. e0214969, Vol. 14, Issue 4 (2019)
“…iolin Scientific AB). Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy CD spectra were measured with a Chirascan CD spectrometer (Applied Photophysics, Leatherhead, UK) equipped with a temperature control unit (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, USA) at 37°C. Measurements at wavelengths in the range of 195–360 nm were performed with a 5 mm path length cuvette (110-QS, Hellma Analytics, Müllheim, Germany) a…”
Resolving the Fluorescence Quenching Mechanism of an Oxazine Dye Using Ultrabroadband Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy
Carbery, WP, Pinto-Pacheco, B, Buccella, D, Turner, DB, J Phys Chem A, Pg. 5072-5080, Vol. 123, issue 24 (2019)
“…and excitation monochromators, excitation correction unit, and PMT detector. All measurements were conducted at 25.0 ± 0.1 ◦ C maintained by a Quantum Northwest cuvette temperature controller. Emission and excitation spectra…”
Detection of Incorporation of p-Coumaric Acid into Photoactive Yellow Protein Variants in Vivo
Brechun, KE, Zhen, D, Jaikaran, A, Borisenko, V, Kumauchi, M, Hoff, WD, Arndt, KM, Woolley, GA, Biochemistry, Pg. 2682-2694, Vol. 58, Issue 23 (2019)
“…Absorbance spectra were recorded using a PE Lambda 35 or 25 spectrometer or using a diode array UV-visible spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics Inc., USB4000), with a temperature- controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest, Inc.). Samples were measured in…”
New bioinspired luminescent compounds based on lumazine: A photophysical study in solution and solid state
Navarro, A, Jiménez-Pulido, S, Garzón-Ruiz, A, Illán-Cabeza, N, Hueso-Ureña, F, Alejo-Armijo, A, Moreno-Carretero, M, Dyes and Pigments, Pg. 281-294, Vol. 168 (2019)
“…The temperature of the fluorescence experiments was also controlled using a Peltier accessory (temperature-controlled cuvette holder, TLC 50, Quantum Northwest). The quantum yields, Φ F , in solution and in solid state were measured using the integrating sphere…”
Sequence-specific B-to-Z transition in self-assembled DNA: A biophysical and thermodynamic study
Bhanjadeo, MM, Baral, B, Subudhi, U, Int. J. Biol. Macromol. (2019)
“…CD spectra of all samples were measured at 20 °C with scan speed of 60 nm/min, bandwidth of 1 nm and 0.5 s per point. The temperature of the cell was controlled with Industrial Chiller (CW-3000) and monitored through temperature controller (Quantum Northwest…”
Formation of CaUO2(CO3)32- and Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) complexes at variable temperatures (10-70 °C)
Jo, Y, Kirishima, A, Kimuro, S, Kim, HK, Yun, JI, Dalton Trans, Pg. 6942-6950, Vol. 48, Issue 20 (2019)
“…kg −1 for 10, 25, and 40 °C, 5 × 10 −3 mol kg −1 for 55 °C, and 9 × 10 −3 mol kg −1 for 70 °C). Absorption spectra were recorded by using a spectrophotometer (Agilent, Cary 100) in conjugation with a temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest…”
Spectroscopic speciation of aqueous Am(iii)-oxalate complexes
Kim, HK, Jeong, K, Cho, HR, Jung, EC, Kwak, K, Cha, W, Dalton Trans (2019)
“…Each spectrum was obtained by accumulating the luminescence signals from 500 laser pulses. All measurements were carried out at 25℃, and the temperature was controlled by a thermostat (Q-pod, Quantum Northwest). The…”
Nd3+ doped Gd3Sc2Al3O12 nanoparticles: towards efficient nanoprobes for temperature sensing
Dantelle, G, Matulionyte, M, Testemale, D, Cantarano, A, Ibanez, A, Vetrone, F, Phys Chem Chem Phys, Pg. 11132-11141, Vol. 21, Issue 21 (2019)
“…To avoid detecting the scattered excitation light, a long-pass 830 nm filter (Semrock Inc., USA) was used. The temperature was changed using a temperature controlled cuvette holder (qpod 2e, Quantum Northwest, Washington, USA)…”
Photochromic reaction in 3H-naphthopyrans studied by vibrational spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations
Brazevic, S, Nizinski, S, Szabla, R, Rode, MF, Burdzinski, G, Phys Chem Chem Phys, Pg. 11861-11870, Vol. 21, Issue 22 (2019)
“…Page 6. 5 Some experiments in UV-vis spectral range were performed using a temperature- controlled cuvette holder (Flash 300, Quantum Northwest). The solutions were prepared in a quartz cell (10 mm × 10 mm) at concentrations adjusted for absorption of about…”
Metal binding characterization of heterologously expressed metallothionein of the freshwater crab Sinopotamon henanense
Yang, H, Gu, W, Chen, W, Hwang, J, Wang, L, Chemosphere, Pg. 926-934, Vol. 235 (2019)
“…CD spectrometer was interfaced to an HP computer (Hewlett-Packard, USA) with Chirascan software, and the temperature was maintained by a TC1 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA, USA) and Julabo 5 (Julabo Labortechnik GmbH, Seelbach…”
A genetically encoded fluorescent temperature sensor derived from the photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein
Maksimov, EG, Yaroshevich, IA, Tsoraev, GV, Sluchanko, NN, Slutskaya, EA, Shamborant, OG, Bobik, TV, Friedrich, T, Stepanov, AV, Sci Rep, Pg. 8937, Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2019)
”…respectively. The temperature of the sample was stabilized by a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA). Picosecond time-resolved fluorescence measurements. Fluorescence-decay…”
Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study on Intramolecular Charge Transfer Processes in Star-Shaped Conjugated Molecules
Moral, M, Tolosa, J, Canales-Vázquez, J, Sancho-García, J, Garzón-Ruiz, A, García-Martínez, J, J. Phys. Chem. C, Pg. 11179-11188, Vol. 123, Issue 17 (2019)
“…here αi and τi are the amplitude and lifetime for each ith term. The number of ith terms used in that fitting was the minimum needed to get a homogeneous distribution of the weighted residuals and a value of χ2 near unity. The mean lifetime of the decay was then calculated as (3) The temperature of the experiments was controlled using a Peltier accessory (temperature-controlled cuvette holder, TLC 50, Quantum Northwest). FTIR measurements were carried out at room temperature using a 640-IR (Varian) spectrophotometer equipped with an attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory. The spectra were recorded with resolution of 4 cm–1 and 64 scans…”
C9orf72 and Triplet Repeat Disorder RNAs: G-quadruplex formation, binding to PRC2 and implications for disease mechanisms
Wang, X, Goodrich, KJ, Conlon, EG, Gao, J, Erbse, AH, Manley, JL, Cech, TR, RNA (2019)
“…CD spectra were collected with a Chirascan-Plus spectropolarimeter (Applied Photophysics, UK) equipped with an AP/CD250 Peltier-controlled variable temperature cell holder from Quantum Northwest using a 0.5 mm path length cell. Spectra were recorded from 360…”
Fluorescent Arylethynyl Hamilton Receptors for Barbiturate Sensing
Seidenkranz, DT, Pluth, MD, J. Org. Chem. (2019)
“…The following naming conventions were used to describe NMR couplings: (s) singlet, (d) doublet, (t) triplet, (q) quartet, (dd) doublet of doublets, (m) multiplet, and (b) broad. Mass spectrometric measurements were performed by the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign MS Facility, or on a Waters Xevo ESI LC/MS instrument. Absorbance measurements were performed using an Agilent Technologies Cary 60 spectrometer. Fluorescence measurements were performed using a QuantaMaster 40 spectrofluorometer (Photon Technology International) equipped with a Quantum Northwest TLC-50 temperature controller at 25.0 ± 0.05 °C…”
Controlling Hydrogen Evolution during Photoreduction of CO2 to Formic Acid Using [Rh(R-bpy)(Cp*)Cl]+ Catalysts: A Structure-Activity Study
Todorova, TK, Huan, TN, Wang, X, Agarwala, H, Fontecave, M, Inorg Chem, Pg. 6893-6903, Vol. 58, Issue 10 (2019)
“…Photochemical reactions were performed using a 300 W, high-pressure Xe arc lamp (Oriel Instruments). The beam was passed through an infrared filter, a collimating lens, and a filter holder equipped with a 415 nm band-pass filter. Samples were prepared in a 1 cm path length quartz cuvette (Starna) that was placed in a temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest) maintained at 20 °C with a circulated water bath. The solvent consists of a CO2-saturated mixture of acetonitrile (CH3CN) and triethanolamine (TEOA) in a 5:1 volumetric ratio, in which TEOA acts as both a sacrificial electron donor and a source of protons. [Ru(bpy)3]Cl2 (1.0 mM) was used as a photosensitizer, which is in a 10-fold excess with respect to the [Rh(R-bpy)(Cp*)Cl]+ catalyst. Samples were saturated with CO2 via directly bubbling CO2 through the solution mixture for 10 min…”
Fluorescent thermal sensing using conjugated polyelectrolytes in thin polymer films
Yassine, S, Hassoun, S, Karam, P, Analytica Chimica Acta (2019)
“…Steady-state fluorescent spectroscopy was acquired upon excitation at 420 nm, and the emission was collected between 435 and 650 nm using a Thermo Fisher Lumina spectrometer equipped with a temperature controller unit (T3 Quantum Northwest)…”
CH‐π Interactions Promote the Conversion of Hydroxypyruvate in a Class II Pyruvate Aldolase
Marsden, S, Mestrom, L, Bento, I, Hagedoorn, P, McMillan, D, Hanefeld, U, Adv. Synth. Catal., Pg. 1-10 (2019)
“…mL. The change in absorbance was followed at 340 nm in PMMA cuvettes (800 rpm, 25°C) in triplicate, using a Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrometer (Agilent Technologies) equipped with a TC 1 stirring unit (Quantum Northwest). Curve…”
Listeria innocua Dps as a nanoplatform for bioluminescence based photodynamic therapy utilizing Gaussia princeps luciferase and zinc protoporphyrin IX
Al-Ani, AW, Zhang, L, Ferreira, L, Turyanska, L, Bradshaw, TD, Thomas, NR, Nanomedicine, Pg. 102005, Vol. 20 (2019)
“…μM). The 20 mM phosphate buffer was used (pH = 8.3). Measurements were performed on Applied Photophysics Chirascan-Plus fitted with a Quantum Northwest temperature controller (JASCO UK). Cell culture study. Immortal…”
A new function of copper zinc superoxide dismutase: as a regulatory DNA-binding protein in gene expression in response to intracellular hydrogen peroxide
Li, X, Qiu, S, Shi, J, Wang, S, Wang, M, Xu, Y, Nie, Z, Liu, C, Liu, C, Nucleic Acids Res., Pg. 5074-5085, Vol. 47, Issue 10 (2019)
“…… ects of the specific inhibitor LD100 on the SOD1 structure, circular dichroism (CD) experiments were performed at 25°C on a Chariscan CD photomultiplier (Applied Photophsics Limited) equipped with a Quantum Northwest TC125 temperature controller, and the path length of the quartz cuvette was 1.0 cm. The scanning speed was 100 nm/min, and the response time was 0.2 s. All spectra were collected bet…”
A binding cooperativity switch driven by synergistic structural swelling of an osmo-regulatory protein pair
Narayan, A, Gopi, S, Fushman, D, Naganathan, AN, Nat Commun, Pg. 1995, Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2019)
“…The fluorescence emission spectra of Cnu were recorded in a Chirascan™-Plus qCD instrument coupled to a Peltier unit (Quantum Northwest Inc.). The protein sample was excited at 274 nm using a Xenon lamp and the emission spectra were recorded in the wavelength range of 280–550 nm. Temperature-dependent emission spectra were recorded at an interval of 3 °C from 5 to 95 °C…”
Microfluidics of binary liquid mixtures with temperature-dependent miscibility
Fornerod, MJ, Amstad, E, Guldin, S, chemrxiv (2019)
“…Interfacial tension The interfacial tension was measured via the pendant drop method. 2 ml of a 50/50 v/v mixture of MeOH and 5CB was prepared and mixed at 40 °C in a temperature controlled quartz cuvette (Quantum Northwest, qpod 2e)…”
Temperature-Induced Liquid Crystal Microdroplet Formation in a Partially Miscible Liquid Mixture
Patel, M, Pallipurath Radhakrishnan, A, Bescher, L, Hunter-Sellars, E, Schmidt-Hansberg, B, Amstad, E, Ibsen, S, Guldin, S, ChemRxiv (2019)
“…Sample preparation Samples of 5CB:MeOH were mixed in a glass cuvette, which was enclosed by a Peltier- regulated sample compartment that allowed control over both temperature and stirring (Quantum Northwest, Qpod 2e)…”
Propriedades estruturais e magnéticas de nanopartículas superparamagnéticas multifuncionais de magnetita co-dopadas com manganês e zinco : aplicações em hipertermia magnética, fototermia e mimetização enzimática
Massoni, LBM, Thesis (2019)
“…Os ensaios foram realizados em cubetas de quartzo com comprimento ótico de 1 cm, e os espectros foram coletados em espectrofotômetro Agilent 8453 com o auxílio de peltier (Quantum Northwest), o qual manteve a reação a 37ºC com agitação magnética a 800 rpm…”
Physical Organic Principles Governing the Spontaneous Prebiotic Emergence of Proto-Nucleic Acids
Fialho, DM, Thesis (2019)
“…CD analysis was carried out on a Jasco J-720 CD spectrometer equipped with a six cell Quantum Northwest Peltier temperature controller…”
Estudios de los mecanismos de patogenicidad de bacterias con diferentes estilos de vida
Golic, AE, Thesis (2019)
“…realizaron utilizando una cuveta de cuarzo de 5 x 5 milímetros (Hellma, Müllheim, Alemania) con 350 μl de BlsA fresca, montado en un porta cubetas FLASH 300 conectado a un controlador de temperatura basado en Peltier (Quantum Northwest)…”
High Resolution Structural Insights into Heliorhodopsin Family
Kovalev, K, Volkov, D, Astashkin, R, Alekseev, A, bioRxiv (2019)
“…Samples were placed into 5x5mm quartz cuvette (Starna Scientific, China) and thermostabilized via sample holder qpod2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) and Huber Ministat 125 (Huber Kältemaschinenbau AG, Germany)…”
Complexing Ability of Heterocyclic N-Oxides Toward Proton Donor Compounds
Lebedeva, N, Gubarev, Y, Yurina, E, Guseinov, S, V’yugin, A, Andreev, V, Russ J Gen Chem, Pg. 1409-1414, Vol. 89, Issue 7 (2019)
“…Avantes GmbH, the Netherlands) in quartz cuvettes with an optical path length of 10 mm at tem- peratures of 20-40°C. For recording the spectral changes the cuvette was placed in a CUV-QPOD temperature- controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest, the United…”
Saturated laser-induced fluorescence in liquid kerosene seeded with a dye: influence of temperature and excitation intensity
Doublet, P, Lempereur, C, Orain, M, Bodoc, V, Gajan, P, Appl. Phys. B, Pg. 125, Vol. 10 (2019)
“…kerosene sprays. The seeded liquid is placed into a 10 mm-size quartz test cell from HELLMA, and then introduced into a Luma 40 cuvette holder from Quantum Northwest to regulate its temperature between − 30 and 50 °C. A…”
Photophysical Properties of Upconverting Nanoparticle-Phthalocyanine Complexes
Gvozdev, DA, Lukashev, EP, Gorokhov, VV, Pashchenko, VZ, Biochemistry Mosc., Pg. 911-922, Vol. 84, Issue 8 (2019)
“…program package (Ocean Optics, USA). The experiment was car ried out in a thermostated cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) at 30°C with constant stir ring with a magnetic stirrer. Absorption spectra were recorded…”
Comparison of the Quenching Effects of Two Main Components of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen on Serum Albumin Fluorescence
Wu, B, Qu, C, Wang, Y, Zhao, J, Du, H, J Fluoresc (2019)
“…CD Measurements Circular dichroism (CD) measurements were conducted in Tris buffer of pH 7.4 with a spectropolarimeter (Applied Photophysics, Chirascan, UK) collocated with a Quantum Northwest temperature controller. Each spectrum is the aver- age of two scans…”
Photophysical study of [Ru (2, 2′-bipyridine) 3] 2+ and [Ru (1, 10-phenanthroline) 3] 2+ encapsulated in the Uio-66-NH2 metal organic framework
Mayers, JM, Larsen, RW, Polyhedron (2019)
“…cuvette. The cuvette was fitted with a micro stir bar and sealed with a septum cap. The solution was then deaerated with Ar gas for 5 min and placed in a variable temperature sample holder (Quantum Northwest). The steady…”
Photophysical study of [Ru(2,2′-bipyridine)3]2+ and [Ru(1,10-phenanthroline)3]2+ encapsulated in the Uio-66-NH2 metal organic framework
Mayers, J, Larsen, R, Polyhedron, Pg. 382-388, Vol. 171 (2019)
“…The solution was then deaerated with Ar gas for 5 minutes and placed in a variable temperature sample holder (Quantum Northwest)…”
Photophysical properties of the [Ru (2, 2′-bipyridine) 3] 2+ templated metal organic framework, RWLC-6
McKeithan, CR, Wojtas, L, Larsen, RW, Inorganica Chimica Acta (2019)
“…- The cuvette was sealed with a rubber septum and deaerated using Ar. The cuvette was placed in a temperature controlled sample holder (Quantum Northwest) and excited with a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (Continuum Minilite II, 7 ns fwhm, ~1 mJ/pulse)…”
Photophysical properties of the [Ru(2,2′-bipyridine)3]2+ templated metal organic framework, RWLC-6
McKeithan, C, Wojtas, L, Larsen, R, Inorganica Chimica Acta, Pg. 119034, Vol. 496 (2019)
“…The cuvette was placed in a temperature controlled sample holder (Quantum Northwest) and excited with a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (Continuum Minilite II, 7 ns fwhm, ~1 mJ/pulse). T…”