We enjoy seeing what you do with our products. Here is some recent published work reporting use of Quantum Northwest temperature control.
The impact of physiological stress conditions on protein structure and trypsin inhibition of serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 1 (SPINK1) and its N34S variant
Buchholz, I, Nagel, F, Klein, A, Wagh, PR, Mahajan, UM, Greinacher, A, Lerch, MM, Mayerle, J, Delcea, M, Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom, Pg. 140281 (2019)
“…CD spectra were acquired with a Chirascan CD spectrometer (Applied Photophysics, Leatherhead, UK) equipped with a temperature control unit (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, US) at 25 °C. Measurements in the far-UV region (195-260 nm) were performed with…”
Screening and Preliminary Biochemical and Biological Studies of [RuCl(p-cymene)(N,N-bis(diphenylphosphino)-isopropylamine)][BF4] in Breast Cancer Models
Corrales Sánchez, V, Nieto-Jiménez, C, Castro-Osma, JA, de Andrés, F, Pacheco-Liñán, PJ, Bravo, I, Rodríguez Fariñas, N, Niza, E, Domínguez-Jurado, E, Lara-Sánchez, A, Ríos, Á, Gómez Juárez, M, Montero, JC, Pandiella, A, Shafir, A, Alonso-Moreno, C, Ocaña, A, ACS Omega, Pg. 13005-13014, Vol. 4, Issue 8 (2019)
“…Temperature was controlled at 300 K by a temperaturecontrolled cuvette holder, TC 125 (Quantum Northwest) and the experiment was repeated three times…”
Platinum-Doped Dendritic Structure as a Phosphorescent Label for Bacteria in Two-Photon Excitation Microscopy
Molina, N, Cnudde, M, Guadix, JA, Perez-Pomares, JM, Strassert, CA, Vida, Y, Perez-Inestrosa, E, ACS Omega, Pg. 13027-13033, Vol. 4, Issue 8 (2019)
“…… n and 1200 grooves/mm, or blazed at 1250 nm with 5.4 nm/mm dispersion and 600 grooves/mm), Glan-Thompson polarizers for excitation (Xe-lamps) and emission, a Peltier-thermostatized sample holder from Quantum Northwest (−40 to 105 °C), and two detectors, namely a PMA Hybrid 40 (transit time spread FWHM…”
Structural transition dynamics of biologically active flavins in alkylglucoside surfactants aggregates
Jana, R, Maity, B, Seth, D, Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, Pg, 117346, Vol. 224 (2019)
“…The optical path length quartz cuvette is 1 cm. All measurements were carried out at a fixed temperature, the temperature was kept fixed at 298 K by using a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder from Quantum Northwest (model: TLC-50)…”
Contrasting Modulations in the Photophysics of Chrysazine with Cyclodextrin Hosts
Gharat, P, Pal, H, Dutta Choudhury, S, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Pg. 111954, Vol. 383, (2019)
“…S1 ESM). Thus all the results in the present study are reported in aqueous solution without addition of any salt. The temperature for all the experiments was maintained at 25 ± 1 °C using Quantum Northwest TC125 temperature controller…”
A Fluorescent False Neurotransmitter as a Dual Electrofluorescent Probe for Secretory Cell Models
Pandard, J, Pan, N, Ebene, D, Le Saux, T, Ait‐Yahiatène, E, Liu, X, Grimaud, L, Buriez, O, Labbé, E, Lemaître, F, Guille‐Collignon, M, ChemPlusChem, (2019)
“…recorded on a Cary 300 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with a t2×2 Sport dual cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA) thermoregulated at 293 equipped with a TLC50 cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest)…”
Probing hidden colloidal transitions with the assistance of surface plasmons
Deng, F, Wang, Y, Lu, X, Ding, T, Phys Chem Chem Phys, Pg. 15742-15746, Vol. 21, Issue 28, (2019)
“…The UV-vis extinction spectra of these Au/PNIPAM-SHCOOH solutions were recorded with an optical fiber spectrometer (QE65000, Ocean Optics) while cycling the temperature in steps of 2 °C between 18 °C and 45 °C in situ in a qpod-2e setup (Quantum Northwest)…”
Unfolding and partial refolding of a cellulase from the SDS-denatured state: From β-sheet to α-helix and back
Rasmussen, HØ, Enghild, JJ, Otzen, DE, Pedersen, JS, Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj, Pg. 129434, (2019)
“…CD spectra were recorded on a Chirascan™-plus CD Spectrometer (Applied Photophysics Limited, UK) with temperature controller TC 1 (Quantum Northwest, Inc., Liberty Lake, WA) at 25 °C with a bandwidth of 1 nm, a scanning speed of 50 nm/min and an accumulation…”
Peptide translocation by the lysosomal ABC transporter TAPL is regulated by coupling efficiency and activation energy
Bock, C, Zollmann, T, Lindt, KA, Tampé, R, Abele, R, Sci Rep, Pg. 11884, Vol. 9, Issue 1, (2019)
“…after excitation at 375 nm for temperatures between 16 and 44 °C (Fluoromax-4 Spectrofluorometer, Jobin Yvon, with TC425Temperature Control system and Ext-440 Liquid Cooling System, Technology, Quantum Northwest and Koolance). Spectra were corrected for background from scattered light in the absence of C-Laurdan. The generalized polarization (GP) value as a relative measure for membrane orde…”
Different Grp94 components interact transiently with the myocilin olfactomedin domain in vitro to enhance or retard its amyloid aggregation
Huard, DJE, Jonke, AP, Torres, MP, Lieberman, RL, Sci Rep, Pg. 12769, Vol. 9, Issue, 1, (2019)
“…The sample temperature was maintained at 25 °C throughout data collection with a Fisher Scientific isotemp refrigerated circulator (model 90) and a Quantum Northwest temperature control unit (TC 425)…”
BlsA Is a Low to Moderate Temperature Blue Light Photoreceptor in the Human Pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii
Golic, AE, Valle, L, Jaime, PC, Álvarez, CE, Parodi, C, Borsarelli, CD, Abatedaga, I, Mussi, MA, Front Microbiol, Pg. 1925, Vol. 10, (2019)
“…United States), by placing 300 μL of BlsA in buffer TRIS (2-Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl) propane-1,3-diol) 20 mM, NaCl 500 mM, pH 8 in a 5 × 5 mm quartz cuvettes, mounted on a Peltier-driven temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Flash 300 of Quantum Northwest)…”
Suzuki‐Miyaura Cross‐Coupling Using Plasmonic Pd‐Decorated Au Nanorods as Catalyst: A Study on the Contribution of Laser Illumination
Verkaaik, M, Grote, R, Meulendijks, N, Sastre, F, Weckhuysen, B, Buskens, P, ChemCatChem, (2019)
“…GmbH, Monchengladbach, Germany) focused to a spot size of 3.33 mm and external power control using a programmable power supply (Keithley 2200-30-5 Tektronics, Beaverton, USA), the other in a dark, temperature-controlled stage (TC125, Quantum Northwest…)
Role of MurT C-Terminal Domain in the Amidation of Staphylococcus aureus Peptidoglycan
Gonçalves, BV, Portela, R, Lobo, R, Figueiredo, TA, Grilo, IR, Ludovice, AM, de Lencastre, H, Dias, JS, Sobral, RG, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., Vol. 63, Issue 10, (2019)
“…Circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) experiments were performed on a Chirascan 559 qCD spectrometer (Applied Photophysics) under constant nitrogen flush and equipped 560 with a temperature control system TC125 (Quantum Northwest)…”
Exploring the potency of the naturally occurring polyphenol curcumin as a probe for protein aggregation in crowded environments
Karmakar, S, Chakraborty, S, Gautam, S, Chowdhury, PK, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., (2019)
“…respectively. During these measurements, the sample jacket temperature was always maintained at 20 °C using a Peltier based automated temperature controller (Quantum Northwest). 2.4. Circular dichroism measurements. All…”
cis Donor Influence on O-O Bond Lability in Iron(III) Hydroperoxo Complexes: Oxidation Catalysis and Ligand Transformation
Wegeberg, C, Browne, WR, McKenzie, CJ, Inorg Chem, Pg. 8983-8994, Vol. 58, Issue 14, (2019)
“…UV/vis spectra were recorded in 1 cm quartz cuvettes on either an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer with a UNISOKU CoolSpeK UV USP-203 temperature controller or with an Analytikjena Specord S600 instrument with a Quantum Northwest TC 125 temperature controller. IR spectra were either recorded in the solid state on a Spectrum 65 FT-IR spectrometer (ATR mode, PerkinElmer) or in the solution state on a ChiralIR-2X spectrometer (BioTools)…”
Differential interaction of cerium chloride with bovine liver catalase: A computational and biophysical study
Samal, RR, Mishra, M, Subudhi, U, Chemosphere, Pg. 124769, Vol. 239. (2019)
“…BLC (0.4 × 10 −6 M). Then 2 μl of CeCl 3 (0.008 mM, 0.08 mM, 0.8 mM and 8 mM) were added to the mixture in a stoichiometric ratio up to 1:1000 in a controlled temperature cell monitored by industrial chiller (cw-3000) and temperature control unit (Quantum Northwest…”
Thermoresponsive Protein-Engineered Coiled-Coil Hydrogel for Sustained Small Molecule Release
Hill, LK, Meleties, M, Katyal, P, Xie, X, Delgado-Fukushima, E, Jihad, T, Liu, CF, O’Neill, S, Tu, RS, Renfrew, PD, Bonneau, R, Wadghiri, YZ, Montclare, JK, Biomacromolecules, Pg. 3340-3351, Vol 20, Issue 9, (2019)
“…Its transmittance at 720 nm, the wavelength at which all protein samples showed a distinct peak in the spectrum, was recorded on a UV−vis Cary-50 (Varian Inc.) equipped with a TC125 temperature regulator (Quantum Northwest)…”
A split fluorescent reporter with rapid and reversible complementation
Tebo, AG, Gautier, A, Nature Communications, (2019)
“…Steady-state ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectra were recorded using a Cary 300 UV-Vis spectrometer (Agilent Technologies), equipped with a Versa20 Peltier-based temperature-controlled cuvette chamber (Quantum Northwest), and fluorescence data…”
Hydrophobic but Water-Friendly: Favorable Water-Perfluoromethyl Interactions Promote Hydration Shell Defects
Robalo, JR, Streacker, LM, Mendes de Oliveira, D, Imhof, P, Ben-Amotz, D, Verde, AV, J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019)
“…sample contained in a 1 cm spectroscopic glass cell and mounted in a temperature controlled sample stage (LC-600, Quantum Northwest). A long-working distance 20× (Mitutoyo Inc.) objective is used to focus the laser into…”
Linker-mediated phase behavior of DNA-coated colloids
J. Lowensohn, B. Oyarzun, and G. Paliza, arXiv preprint (2019)
“…We measure directly the standard enthalpy change ∆H and entropy change ∆S of hybridization for all linkers using ultraviolet (UV) spectrometry, following the procedure outlined in Ref. [4]. Our experimental setup consists of a UV light source (DH-2000-BAL, Ocean Optics), a temperature-controlled cuvette holder (qpod, Quantum Northwest), and a spectrometer (Flame-S-UV-Vis-ES, Ocean Optics)…”
Pathway Complexity in the Stacking of Imine-linked Macrocycles Related to Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks
S. Wang, A. Chavez, S. Thomas, H. Li, N. Flanders, C. Sun, M. Strauss, L. Chen, A. Markvoort, J. Bredas, and W. Dichtel, ChemRxiv (2019)
“…- NIR spectrophotometer with a mercury lamp. Cuvette temperature and stirring were regulated with a Quantum Northwest Temperature Controller. Circular dichroism measurements were taken on Jasco J-815 CD instrument. PDA and…”
Photoswitchable Affinity Reagents: Computational Design and Efficient Red‐Light Switching
N. Yasuike, K. Blacklock, H. Lu, A. Jaikaran, S. McDonald, M. Uppalapati, S. Khare, and G. Woolley, ChemPhotoChem (2019)
“…UV‐Visible spectra were obtained using a Perkin‐Elmer Lambda 35 spectrophotometer or a diode array UV‐Vis spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics Inc., USB4000). Temperature was maintained at 22 °C for all measurements (Quantum Northwest), using 10 mm or 1.5 mm quartz cuvettes (Hellma Analytics)…”
N-linked glycans confer protein stability and modulate multidrug efflux pump assembly in Campylobacter jejuni
S. Abouelhadid, J. Raynes, T. Bui, J. Cuccui, and B. Wren, bioRxiv (2019)
“…All CD spectra of gCmeA and CmeA were acquired in 0.5mm rectangular cell 742 pathlength using Chirascan spectrometer (Applied Biophysics, UK) equipped with 743 Quantum NorthWest TC125 Peltier unit…”
Laser cooling under ambient conditions in Yb3+:KYW
L. Andre, L. Cheng, A. Salkeld, L. Andrade, S. Lima, J. Silva, and S. Rand, Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications (2019)
“…DLT signals were measured in the spectral range 960-975 nm for Yb:YAG and were calibrated by direct heating or cooling of the sample using a temperature controller (Quantum Northwest Flash 300) with an accuracy of ±0.01 K. For each temperature point in the calibration…”
Variable-Temperature Resonance Raman Studies to Probe Interchain Ordering for Semiconducting Conjugated Polymers with Different Chain Curvature
J. Sutton, T. Nguyen, H. Woo, and K. Gordon, Chem Asian J (2019)
“…For the variable temperature resonance Raman data the aforementioned resonance Raman system was reconfigured into a 180° backscattering arrangement and a variable temperature cuvette holder and temperature controller (TC125, Quantum Northwest, USA)…”
First synthesis of highly chemiluminescent benzo[b]furan-2-(3H)-ones bearing a urea substructure
R. Krieg, B. Hoffmann, D. Weiß, and C. Biskup, Helv. Chim. Acta, (2019)
“…Temperature was monitored by a controller (TC 425, Quantum Northwest, USA)…”
Extracting the protein dynamics of bovine serum albumin in the native condition using confocal fluorescent temperature jump
K. Tseng, and L. Chu, Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 084701 (2019)
“…A thermostat (Quantum Northwest, qpod TC125) was mounted on the sample compartment to adjust the steady-state temperatures at 25–51 °C…”
Simple protocol for sequence-specific detection of mixed-base nucleic acids using a smart probe with NABs
S. Oladepo, and B. Yusuf, Anal. Biochem. 568, 53-56 (2019)
“…controlled fluorescence measurements were carried out on solutions of SP or SP-target duplexes using a thermo-electrically cooled sample holder plugged into the fluorescence spectrophotometer and a TC125 Temperature Control unit (Quantum Northwest Inc., Liberty…”
Different effects of Forsythia suspensa metabolites on bovine serum albumin (BSA)
Y. Li, Q. Guo, Y. Yan, T. Chen, C. Du, and H. Du, Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 214, 309-319 (2019)
“… 2.4. CD measurements. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements were performed in Tris buffer of pH 7.4 with a spectropolarimeter (Applied Photophysics, Chirascan, UK) at 25 °C, which was kept by a Quantum Northwest temperature controller…”
Interaction of a red emitting dye with pluronic surfactants: A spectroscopic study
S. Ahmed, U. Singh, and D. Seth, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 376, 247-254 (2019)
“…For the variation of temperature and to maintain the temperature of the solution for time-resolved measurement, we have used Peltier-controlled cuvette holders from Quantum Northwest (Model: TLC-50). 3. Results and Discussion. 3.1. Steady-State Absorption studies…”
A combined calorimetric, spectroscopic and molecular dynamic simulation study on the inclusion complexation of (E)-piceatannol with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin in various alcohol + water cosolvents
C. Cai, M. Liu, H. Yan, Y. Zhao, Y. Shi, Q. Guo, W. Pei, J. Han, and Z. Wang, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 132, 341-351 (2019)
“…nm. The excitation and emission slits were 5 and 2.5 nm, respectively. The external electronic temperature control device (model TC-1S, Quantum Northwest, Inc., USA) was used to control the experimental temperature. The…”
Photophysical features and semiconducting properties of propeller-shaped oligo(styryl)benzenes
M. Moral, R. Domínguez, M. Fernández-Liencres, A. Garzón-Ruiz, J. García-Martínez, and A. Navarro, J Chem Phys, 150, 064309 (2019)
“…A temperature-controlled cuvette holder, TLC 50 (Quantum Northwest), was used for the measurements…”
Crystal violet adsorption by oppositely twisted heat-treated halloysite and pecoraite nanoscrolls
A. Krasilin, D. Danilovich, E. Yudina, S. Bruyere, J. Ghanbaja, and V. Ivanov, Applied Clay Science, 173, 1-11 (2019)
“…Kinetic studies were carried out using a modular system consisting of a Xe light source (Mikropack HPX-2000), temperature-controlled cuvette holder with magnetic stirrer (Quantum Northwest TC 125), attenuator, optical fibre connectors (Ocean Optics QP600-1-SR)…”
Probing the Interactions of 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate (Alkyl = Octyl, Hexyl, Butyl, and Ethyl) Ionic Liquids with Bovine Serum Albumin: An Alkyl Chain Length-Dependent Study
M. Islam, S. Barik, and M. Sarkar, J Phys Chem B, 123, 1512-1526 (2019)
“…A Quantum Northwest (TC 125) temperature controller was used to maintain the temperature by circulating water through the cell holder. All of the samples were excited at 280 nm for collecting the corrected fluorescence emission spectra…”
Photochemistry of Bacteriorhodopsin with Various Oligomeric Statuses in Controlled Membrane Mimicking Environments: A Spectroscopic Study from Femtoseconds to Milliseconds
Y. Kao, C. Cheng, M. Syue, H. Huang, I. Chen, T. Yu, and L. Chu, J Phys Chem B, 123, 2032-2039 (2019)
“…A deuterium/tungsten halogen lamp (DH-2000, Ocean Optics) served as the stationary probing light and was introduced via an optical fiber (QP400−025-SR, Ocean Optics) to a cell compartment with a thermostat (qpod, Quantum Northwest) at 25 °C…”
Impact of branching unit structure on the cloud point of highly branched polymers with lower critical solution temperature behavior
Z. Wang, S. Seger, and N. Tsarevsky, European Polymer Journal, (2019)
“…Transmittance spectra were recorded on Shimadzu UV−3600 spectrophotometer equipped with a Quantum Northwest TC225 temperature controller and a Fisher Scientific Isotemp 3006D refrigerated bath, which allowed for maintaining constant and identical temperatures…”
Micellar solubilisation of methylparaben in poloxamines: Effects on the aggregation behaviour and reactivity
A. Zornoza, L. Moreno, J. Puig-Rigall, L. Porcar, and G. González-Gaitano, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 282, 205-212 (2019)
“…2.4. UV-visible spectroscopy. An Agilent 8453 diode array spectrophotometer with a Quantum Northwest t2 sport/8454 temperature-controlled cuvette holder was employed to record the UV-visible spectra (2 nm resolution). 2.5. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy…”
Photophysics, rotational dynamics and fluorescence lifetime imaging study of coumarin dyes in deep eutectic solvent
R. Gautam, A. Chatterjee, and D. Seth, Journal of Molecular Liquids, (2019)
“…; – The lamp profile (IRF) was recorded by placing a scatterer (a diluted solution of milk in water) in place of the sample. Temperature variation was carried out by using the Peltier-controlled cuvette holders from the Quantum Northwest (model: TLC-50)…”
Assessment of doxorubicin delivery devices based on tailored bare polycaprolactone against glioblastoma
E. Niza, J. Castro-Osma, I. Posadas, C. Alonso-Moreno, I. Bravo, A. Garzón, J. Canales-Vázquez, V. Ceña, A. Lara-Sánchez, J. Albaladejo, and A. Otero, Int J Pharm, 558, 110-119 (2019)
“…; – light source. A quartz cuvette (Hellma Analytics) of 1 cm was used for the measurements. Temperature was controlled at 300 K by a temperature-controlled cuvette holder, TLC 50 (Quantum Northwest). Excitation and emission…”
Crowder induced structural modulation of a multi-domain protein during its early stages of aggregation: A FRET-based and protein solvation study
S. Karmakar, S. Mukherjee, H. Lal, S. Biswas, P. Jani, and P. Chowdhury, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 127, 563-574 (2019)
“…experiments. During all the emission measurements, sample jacket temperature was maintained at 20 °C using a Peltier based automated temperature controller (Quantum Northwest). 2.6. Time resolved fluorescence measurements…”
Light-controlled carotenoid transfer between water-soluble proteins related to cyanobacterial photoprotection
Y. Slonimskiy, F. Muzzopappa, E. Maksimov, A. Wilson, T. Friedrich, D. Kirilovsky, and N. Sluchanko, FEBS J. (2019)
“…The temperature of the samples was stabilized by a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder Qpod 2e (Quantum Northwest, USA) with a magnetic stirrer. Amplitudes of photoconversion and the corresponding rates were estimated according to procedures described earlier…”
Utility of fluorescent heme analogue ZnPPIX to monitor conformational heterogeneity in vertebrate hexa-coordinated globins
A.Tangar, V. Derrien, R. Lei, M. Santiago Estevez, P. Sebban, S. Bernad, and J. Miksovska, Metallomics (2019)
“…Tech Co. Ltd.) was centered on the deoxygenated sample housed in a sealed quartz cuvette in a temperature controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA). Emerging light was Page 2 of 9 Metallomics 1…”
A fluorescence study of the loading and time stability of doxorubicin in sodium cholate/PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymer mixed micelles
E. Tasca, A. Giudice, L. Galantini, K. Schillén, A. Giuliani, and M. Giustini, J Colloid Interface Sci, 540, 593-601 (2019)
“…Steady state fluorescence measurements were performed on a Fluoromax 2 instrument (Horiba-Jobin Yvon) using 1.0×1.0 cm quartz cuvette from Hellma, equipped with a Peltier thermostatted LUMA 40/JY1 sample holder (Quantum Northwest) controlled by the TC1…”
Proline 411 biases the conformation of the intrinsically disordered plant UVR8 photoreceptor C27 domain altering the functional properties of the peptide
M. Wu, D. Farkas, L. Eriksson, and A. Strid, Sci Rep, 9, 818 (2019)
“…entioned statement. Circular dichroism All measurements were conducted with a 33 μM peptide sample in deionized water (pH 6) using a Chirascan CD spectrometer (Applied Photophysics) equipped with a Quantum Northwest Peltier unit. Spectra were acquired using a bandwidth of 1 or 0.8 nm between 260–185 nm averaging 0.8 s per point. Each spectrum is the average of five repeats. The 1 mm cu…”
The Structure and Stability of the Disulfide-Linked γS-Crystallin Dimer Provide Insight into Oxidation Products Associated with Lens Cataract Formation
D. Thorn, A. Grosas, P. Mabbitt, N. Ray, C. Jackson, and J. Carver, J. Mol. Biol., 431, 483-497 (2019)
“…Experiments were performed using an Applied Photophysics Chirascan spectrophotometer attached to a Quantum Northwest TC 125 PELTIER temperature controller…”
Intravenous treatment of choroidal neovascularization by photo-targeted nanoparticles
Y. Wang, C. Liu, T. Ji, M. Mehta, W. Wang, E. Marino, J. Chen, and D. Kohane, Nat Commun, 10, 804 (2019)
“… a multi-channel Universal LED controller (Mightex Systems, CA, USA). The temperature of the solution was controlled at 37 °C in a t50/Eclipse cuvette holder with a TC 125 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest, WA, USA). The LED irradiance was measured with a PM100USB Power and Energy Meter (ThorLabs, NJ, USA). At each irradiation time point, the solution was put in an Amicon® Ultra centr…”
Structure-Based Peptide Inhibitor Design of Amyloid-β Aggregation
J. Lu, Q. Cao, C. Wang, J. Zheng, F. Luo, J. Xie, Y. Li, X. Ma, L. He, D. Eisenberg, J. Nowick, L. Jiang, and D. Li, Front Mol Neurosci, 12, 54 (2019)
“…- Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy (CD). Chirascan spectrometer (Applied Photophysics) equipped with a Peltier temperature controller (Quantum Northwest) is used to acquire the CD spectra. Far UV spectra (240-180 nm) are collected in 0.05 cm path-length quartz Cached…”
Pseudo-Polyrotaxanes of Cyclodextrins with Direct and Reverse X-Shaped Block Copolymers: A Kinetic and Structural Study
J. Puig-Rigall, R. Serra-Gómez, I. Stead, I. Grillo, C. Dreiss, and G. González-Gaitano, Macromolecules, 52, 1458-1468 (2019)
“…Samples were placed in 1 cm path length quartz cuvettes with magnetic stirring and temperature control incorporated (±0.1 °C, Quantum Northwest TC 1 accessory)…”
Lower Critical Solution Temperature in Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervates
S. Ali, M. Bleuel, and V. Prabhu, ACS Macro Lett., 8, 289-293 (2019)
“…Samples in spectroscopic glass cuvettes were measured in a Quantum Northwest QPod unit with the temperature controlled to 0.01 °C precision…”
Engineered amine dehydrogenase exhibits altered kinetic mechanism compared to parent with implications for industrial application
R. Franklin, J. Whitley, J. Robbins, and A. Bommarius, Chemical Engineering Journal, 369, 634-640 (2019)
“…The reaction was initiated by addition of buffer, and the ΔA 340 was monitored for 30 seconds at 25°C using a Cary 8454 UV-Vis (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with a Quantum Northwest TC 1 Temperature Controller…”