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We enjoy seeing what you do with our products. Here is some recent published work reporting use of Quantum Northwest temperature control.


  • Phase behaviour and applications of a binary liquid mixture of methanol and a thermotropic liquid crystal

    L. Serrano González, M. Jara Fornerod, Y. Yang, S. Gaisford, F. Stellacci, and S. Guldin, Soft Matter. (2018)

    “…Once a first estimate was established by the cloud point method, the experiment was repeated in intervals of 1 °C. The temperature and stirring were controlled by a Peltier-regulated sample compartment (Quantum Northwest, QPod 2e)…”

  • S-Glutathionylation of estrogen receptor α affects dendritic cell function

    J. Zhang, Z. Ye, W. Chen, Y. Manevich, S. Mehrotra, L. Ball, Y. Janssen-Heininger, K. Tew, and D. Townsend, J. Biol. Chem. 293, 4366-4380 (2018)

    “…Briefly, BMDDC (1.0×106 cells/ml) were suspended in PBS and 100 µM CaCl2, and stimulated with 200 ng/ml LPS for the indicated times. Total surface reduced thiol levels were then determined by an immediate fluorescence increase upon the addition of TG-1 (final concentration 5 µM) at 379Ex/513Em, measured by a QuantaMaster spectrofluorometer equipped with A-1010B continuous Xenon arc lamp and 814 Photomultiplier Detection Systems (Photon Technology International, Birmingham, NJ) in a quartz cuvette under constant stirring at 37ºC, controlled by TC 125 Temperature Controller (Quantum Northwest, Shoreline, WA)…”

  • ΔFlucs: Brighter Photinus pyralis firefly luciferases identified by surveying consecutive single amino acid deletion mutations in a thermostable variant

    L. Halliwell, A. Jathoul, J. Bate, H. Worthy, J. Anderson, D. Jones, and J. Murray, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 115, 50-59 (2018)

    “…Far‐UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra of Fluc proteins were acquired using 4 μm proteins analysed at 25°C in Applied Photophysics Chirascan (Surrey, UK) with a Quantum Northwest (Liberty Lake, WA) temperature controller…”

  • Sulfur dioxide induced aggregation of wine thaumatin-like proteins: Role of disulfide bonds

    R. Chagas, C. Laia, R. Ferreira, and L. Ferreira, Food Chem. 259, 166-174 (2018)

    “…The temperature was adjusted by a TC 125 temperature controller (Quantum Northwest) coupled to the CD equipment. To minimize the interference of tartaric acid in CD spectra, the optically inactive meso form of tartaric acid was used…”

  • Toward Visible-Light Photochemical CO2-to-CH4 Conversion in Aqueous Solutions Using Sensitized Molecular Catalysis

    H. Rao, J. Bonin, and M. Robert, J. Phys. Chem. C. (2018)

    “…Right-angle probe light was provided by an Osram XBO 450 W ozone free pulsed xenon lamp and then collected into a spectrograph. Kinetics at 592 nm for * [Ir(ppy)2(bpy)]+ was measured thanks to a Hamamatsu R928 photomultiplier tube linked to a Tektronix TDS 3012C 100 MHz oscilloscope. Temperature of the sample port was set at 20°C by a Quantum Northwest TC125 Peltier effect controller. The Edinburgh Instruments L900 software ensured the control and the synchronization of the whole setup…”

  • Guanidine Substitutions in Naphthyl Systems to Allow a Controlled Excited-State Intermolecular Proton Transfer: Tuning Photophysical Properties in Aqueous Solution

    P. Pacheco-Liñán, J. Fernández-Sainz, I. Bravo, A. Garzón-Ruiz, C. Alonso-Moreno, F. Carrillo-Hermosilla, A. Antiñolo, and J. Albaladejo, J. Phys. Chem. C. 122, 9363-9373 (2018)

    “…Fluorescence spectra of the samples were recorded on an FLS920 (Edinburgh Instruments) spectrofluorometer equipped with a time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) detector. A TLC 50 temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest) was used for the measurements (temperature was controlled at 296 K)…”

  • Main-chain polyacetal conjugates with HIF-1 inhibitors: temperature-responsive, pH-degradable drug delivery vehicles

    S. Samanta, C. De Silva, P. Leophairatana, and J. Koberstein, J. Mater. Chem. B. 6, 666-674 (2018)

    “…5 gL−1) by turbidity measurements (transmittance mode, 500 nm) as a function of temperature (cell path length, 10 mm; one heating/cooling cycle at rate of 1 °C min−1) using a UV−vis spectrometer (Agilent 8453) equipped with a temperature controller (Quantum Northwest, TC1…”

  • Investigations into the carbonic anhydrase inhibition of COS-releasing donor core motifs

    A. Steiger, Y. Zhao, W. Choi, A. Crammond, M. Tillotson, and M. Pluth, Biochem. Pharmacol. 149, 124-130 (2018)

    “…SevenMulti pH Probe (Mettler Toledo). UV-visible spectra were acquired on a Cary 60 UV-vis spectrometer equipped with a Quantum Northwest TC-1 temperature controller. 2.3. Cell culture materials. A549 cells obtained from ATCC…”

  • Protein Engineered Triblock Polymers Composed of Two SADs: Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Binding Abilities

    A. Olsen, P. Katyal, J. Haghpanah, M. Kubilius, R. Li, N. Schnabel, S. O’Neill, Y. Wang, M. Dai, N. Singh, R. Tu, and J. Montclare, Biomacromolecules. 19, 1552-1561 (2018)

    “…Proteins were characterized 5 for their temperature transition (Tt) behavior using a UV-Vis Cary-50 (Varian Inc., Cary, NC) 6 equipped with a TC125 temperature regulator (Quantum Northwest, Liberty Lake, WA). Samples were heated at a rate of 0.5 ˚C min-1 7 from 20 ˚C to 80 ˚C. At least 3 sample preps from 8 different batches of expression were prepared and the average data was plotted to acquire the average inflection point in the absorbance curve44 9…”

  • Directing a Non-Heme Iron(III)-Hydroperoxide Species on a Trifurcated Reactivity Pathway

    C. Wegeberg, F. Lauritsen, C. Frandsen, S. Mørup, W. Browne, and C. McKenzie, Chemistry. 24, 5134-5145 (2018)

    “…UV/Vis spectra were recorded from solutions in 1 cm quartz cuvettes on either an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer with a UNISOKU CoolSpeK UV USP‐203 temperature controller or an Analytik Jena Specord S600 with a Quantum Northwest TC 125 temperature controller. Raman spectra were recorded from samples in 1 cm quartz cuvettes at either 532 nm (300 mW at source, Cobolt Lasers) as described previously30 or 691 nm (75 mW at sample, Ondax Lasers)…”

  • Spatially and temporally-resolved tryptophan fluorescence thermometry for monitoring the photothermal processes of gold nanorod suspensions

    C. Lin, K. Chen, K. Tseng, and L. Chu, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 255, 1285-1290 (2018)

    “…Fluorescence (FL) spectra were monitored with a spectrophotometer from Hitachi (F-7000) coupled with a thermostat (qpod TC125, Quantum Northwest) mounted on the sample compartment to control the temperatures at 20-45 °C within deviation of 0.1 °C. The fluorescence…”

  • Diffusion of Molecular and Macromolecular Polyolefin Probes in Cylindrical Block Copolymer Structures As Observed by High Temperature Single Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy

    M. Baier, D. Wöll, and S. Mecking, Macromolecules. 51, 1873-1884 (2018)

    “…Fluorescence spectra and quantum yields were measured on a Hamamatsu Absolute PL Quantum Yield Measurement System C9920-02 CCD spectrometer equipped with an additional cuvette holder (qpod 2e, Quantum Northwest). Absorption spectra were recorded on a Varian Cary 50 spectrometer…”

  • Swelling Transitions in Layer-by-Layer Assemblies of UCST Block Copolymer Micelles

    A. Palanisamy, and S. Sukhishvili, Macromolecules. 1, 3467-3476 (2018)

    “…To detect photon counts, a fiber-optic adapter for an 8 mm photomultiplier tube module (Edmund Optics) and two Hamamatsu photon counters (H10682-210) were used. Furthermore, the temperature was controlled using a Luma 40 temperature-controlled cuvette holder (Quantum Northwest). The data analysis was performed using the Corcle_v.0.18 software…”

  • Tuning the sensitivity of lanthanide-activated NIR nanothermometers in the biological windows

    P. Cortelletti, A. Skripka, C. Facciotti, M. Pedroni, G. Caputo, N. Pinna, M. Quintanilla, A. Benayas, F. Vetrone, and A. Speghini, Nanoscale. 10, 2568-2576 (2018)

    “…A temperature control stage (Quantum Northwest qpod2e) with a stirrer and a stabilization time of 10 minutes were used for temperature measurements (uncertainty of 0.02 °C). All spectroscopic measurements were performed on water colloidal dispersions of the MNPs at a…”

  • DNA quadruplexes as molecular scaffolds for controlled assembly of fluorogens with aggregation-induced emission

    L. Zhu, J. Zhou, G. Xu, C. Li, P. Ling, B. Liu, H. Ju, and J. Lei, Chem Sci. 9, 2559-2566 (2018)

    “…Gel electrophoresis was performed on a mini-PROTEAN system (Bio-Rad) and imaged on a Bio-Rad ChemDoc XRS. Fluorescence spectra were measured on an F-7000 spectrofluorophotometer (Hitachi) with a TC125 temperature control (Quantum Northwest)…”

  • Multifunctional Poly-N-Isopropylacrylamide/DNAzyme Microgels as Highly Efficient and Recyclable Catalysts for Biosensing

    F. Li, C. Wang, and W. Guo, Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1705876 (2018)

    “…Fluorescence spectra were obtained by a F-4600 fluorescence spectrophotometer (HITACHI). UV-vis absorption spectra were recorded with a U-3900 spectrophotometer (HITACHI), attached to a TC 1 temperature controller (QUANTUM NORTHWEST)…”

  • Chemical diversity in a metal-organic framework revealed by fluorescence lifetime imaging

    W. Schrimpf, J. Jiang, Z. Ji, P. Hirschle, D. Lamb, O. Yaghi, and S. Wuttke, Nat Commun. 9, 1647 (2018)

    “… te on a fluorescence system consisting of an 814 Photomultiplier Detector, a LPS220B Lamp Power Supply, a Pti-MD3020 Motor Drive (all Photon Technology International) and a TC125 Temperature control (Quantum Northwest). For calibrating the conversion factors from the fluorescence signal to the concentration, different concentrations of the raw modified linker molecules were measured under identica…”

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